• I like freshly cleaned sheets! I’m not too fond of sheets that have a coarse texture though, which happens all too often whenever I decide to get new sheets, so I typically just stick to old ones that have been through the wash lots of times so they have a smooth texture…Yes, I’m very picky when it comes to my bed! 😂

  •  neidu2   ( @neidu2@feddit.nl ) 
    26 hours ago

    Depends a lot on the sheets. I find that the ones in hotels are both clean and crisp, but I find the fabric to be too course.

    At home it’s not as clean and crisp, but it’s a lot more comfy.

    • this is something i didn’t realize until recently, but you really gotta be on washing that shit weekly. i used to think it wasn’t a big deal, you could just do it every couple of weeks / once a month, but you sleep WAY better when you wash them weekly because your body and skin don’t have to hold off a trillion bacteria trying to get into your body / getting allergies triggered by dust mites

      although, to be honest, i would never have figured that out without dealing with a persistent vaginal infection because of it… 😭 at least i’m like 95% sure that’s the cause atm. i guess i’ll edit my comment in two months when i can confirm it (i’m testing this as of about a week rn)