Recently there was a post where the OP pitched an idea for a service related to this community. I don’t want to go into details but the post’s text has shown that maybe there’s some misunderstanding around the technology, and a considerable amount of us also thought that it’s not a good idea.
The post was removed (noticed because I couldn’t reply to someone) probably because the OP felt shame for their “failed” idea, but I think we shouldn’t delete posts for reasons like this.

The post created an interesting discussion around the idea with useful info. It’s useful to have things like these for future reference, for similar discussions in the future.
This is an anonymous forum, so there’s no shame in recommending things, when you do that politely like it was done in that case.

  •  sp3ctr4l   ( ) 
    525 months ago

    Its not anonymous. Its pseudonymous.

    Even if your pseudonym isn’t directly linked to you, even if you are not doxxed, your pseudonym carries its own reputation.

    Its up to the pseudonym operator to determine how to manage that.

  • I really respect people who edit comments to acknowledge when they’re wrong, but leave the original mistake intact (but usually strike through). Like this:

    I delete my comments when I’m proven wrong because it’s embarassing and I don’t want to perpetuate misinformation

    Actually, I’m leaving my mistake up, because then people can follow the conversation easier and see how I came to realise I was wrong

  • We live in a world where everything you do or say on the internet is potentially part of someone else’s training data. Lemmy is already a shitshow for that but you can bet that “ooh, piracy board” is fair game for everyone because nobody would be dumb enough to sue about that.

    If someone wants to delete a comment for ANY reason, they are more than welcome to.

  •  Zagorath   ( ) 
    215 months ago

    It’s really unfortunate that Lemmy handles deleted posts in this way. It’s one of very few genuine advantages of the Reddit platform. Over there, if the OP deleted the post, the text they wrote would no longer be visible, but all the comments under it still would be. And people could continue to have that discussion, so long as they had the link.

    • Everyone should have the choice to delete their content, regardless of the reason, the same way, everyone should have the choice to leave their content as well.

      I for one choose to leave my posts and comments, no matter how bright or stupid, and if I’m proven wrong (which happens more than I care to admit) I give the win to whomever countered my comment, and that tends to keep the discussions going and bringing new ideas and points of view. Also, if I believe it may have been offensive (not to be confused with someone else finding anything offensive, that’s their opinion) I have no problem apologizing. I would like to see more people just doing that as I believe it makes for a more open discussion.

  •  Handles   ( ) 
    105 months ago

    Good discussions can arise from bad takes, and the idea of “failure” can often be an impediment — especially in a forum where users’ yay or nay to a post literally decide its currency and ranking.

    Assuming that the poster in this case deleted their post out of “shame” for a “failed idea”, however, is a bit of an overreach without access to their thoughts and motivations. And trying to pass principles about what “we” should or shouldn’t do on that basis is equally flimsy.

    I do agree that deleting a post with several replies can be damaging to a discussion — emphasis on the potential, not the actual value of any given Lemmy conversation — but becoming the target for criticism or even ridicule for an ill-considered post isn’t exactly pleasant either. And after a few decades online, I’m not faulting anybody for deleting one post or another, even though I probably don’t understand the reasoning for doing so.

    In the end, everybody is on here for different reasons, and all of them are valid. It would be nice to make a noble agreement about what “should” and “shouldn’t” be done when you get massively downvoted, but if people want to curate their pseudonymous online presence to appear less daft than their worst — let 'em.

    • That’s mainly just the way the backend and UI handles the post, the thread and replies are still there, admins and mods can still see it, it just errors for users. We could potentially modify the Lemmy software (or it could be changed in an update) to allow viewing the deleted thread with the post saying *Deleted by User* just like it does with comments.

      • actually its not perfect with comments either. I keep 4 notifications in my inbox unread in case I could find out where I got them, 2 of which is inaccessible because they themselves were deleted and I can’t go back to see what was its parent thread

        • Yeah that’s why it would be good to make deleted threads still show up for all users, they would be unlisted but the comments would all still be there.

          It used to be that this would also happen with comments both deleted and removed but this functionality was changed and comments which are deleted or removed no longer error like that.