But do the categories (Animal, Vegetable, Mineral) just make no sense against the possibile answers?

The instructions for the game are at the top. A player picks a word from a card and the other player has to guess the word they’ve picked, starting by asking if it’s an animal, vegetable or mineral.

  •  T (they/she)   ( @Templa@beehaw.org ) 
    13 hours ago

    The items all have (A), (V), (M) so I am assuming that’s how they fit in the categories?

    And the way they “fit” in those categories seems to be on what they are made of/where they come from, for example a Piggy Bank has (M) because it is made of clay, an Egg has (A) because it is an animal product and so it goes

    • Yeah, you can really stretch it for some of them although there are others that just flat out don’t make sense. Also bear in mind this is a kids game!

      On the first go, my son made a cutting action with his fingers and then told me I have to ask if it’s an animal, vegetable or mineral, in which he replied mineral. So I was trying to think of a mineral that cuts. I asked if it was in the house in which he replied yes, and the only thing I could think of was salt.

      Turns out the answer was scissors! The action was kind of obvious but the fact it was a mineral totally threw me.