• So, I spent the entirety of the Biden Administration saving, planning and then executing an emigration plan. It didn’t work because immigration laws change constantly in Canada because racists want to frustrate our freedoms, just like they do at the American southern border. Internationally we live under feudalism. I wasted 4 years and thousands of dollars learning this. If you are lower, working, or middle class, you will not be able to emigrate to another country unless you are willing to do so extra-legally.

  • What scares me (living in a comparatively sane country) is that even though on most levels I’m fully aware that this is actually happening right now, a part of my mind keeps insisting that the thought of any of this being real is an absolutely ridiculous idea. It just seems way too dystopian to have anything in common with reality.

    All the strength and luck to those who find themselves in the same situation as the author(s).

  • I am not trans, but I’ve been putting together a similar plan to evacuate my trans nephew from the red state he’s in, to here in California.

    I unfortunately don’t have the resources to potentially help them get out of the country, but I have family who do, though I haven’t actually broached that subject with them (and I suspect that broaching it at this point wouldn’t go anywhere except making them think I’m being alarmist).

    Right now it feels like watching a storm build on the horizon, and trying to figure out how bad it’s going to be when it gets here.

  • This was really helpful for me as a person living outside of the United States. We can feel the tension from across the Pacific but reading through the very real scenarios is sobering.