• Nix and Guix are already reproducible and have immutable store; no need for images in that case, and they more flexible. I’d need to read the article more throughfully for the deployment argument

      •  Ferk   ( @Ferk@lemmy.ml ) 
        1 year ago

        My problem with this idea is that I generally do not like the defaults most distros use, I like experimenting and I often switch desktop environment or uninstall / clean up stuff I don’t need.

        I’d be ok if the image is just kernel + init system + shell, and maybe some small core components / tools… but if the OS comes preloaded with huge software libraries, like typical KDE / GNOME distros do, then it’s gonna be a lot of dead weight that I’d have to keep updated even if I do not use it.

        Immutable images are great for devices with specific purposes meant for a particular software stack (like Chrome Books, the Steam Deck or so) but for a more general purpose computer where I actually want to deeply customize the UI for my workflow, I don’t want to carry around whatever popular software the maintainers of the popular distro might have decided to include.

    • in what way(s) specifically do you think he objects to the unix philosophy?

      have you read his rebuttal to that claim (point #10 here)?

      (disclaimer: i am using systemd on some, but not all, of my gnu/linux systems today… and after years of finding it irritating I am actually coming around to appreciate it.)

  • His view is perfect for appliances, or devices where you don’t want the user in control (e.g.: kiosk machines, steam decks, corporate laptops, supermarket checkouts).

    But it’s terrible for the linux machines that we love to tinker with, machines for developers of OS tools and alike.