To be fair, he didnt say he was against authoritariamism.
Seems like all comments here are “whatabout communism”
US being an authoritarian shithole is pretty undisputable reality. It could be preferable to debate the point than outright banning the possibly misinformed, but the assumption of military bot troll propagandist is not unreasonable.
You and I disagree, so it’s obvious you’re just a Kremlin bot account, here to sow discontent.
Not really sure how you came to that conclusion, we definitely have our problems, we aren’t perfect, but we definitely aren’t an authoritarian state either
We have an Israel first rulership. Every politician pledges allegiance to Israel. Tik Tok ban is because it is not zionist media, and the theory that young people are opposed to genocide is because they use tik tok, even through IDF gloating videos promoting their attrocities are on Twitter too, as are muslim disapprovals of genocide.
You have zero freedom/power to stop your theft of war support of Israel or against Russia, Canada, Greenland, Panama or Europe. Or stopping your nuclear incineration. Citizen’s united means only rich people speech counts. Congressional bills in congress will outlaw criticism of zionism/Israel. That you are currently permitted to have sex with people you choose is against the Christofascist agenda that will be pandered to in next 2-4 years. But it is the predetermination of democratic outcomes for the most favourable to Israel, war, oil, and the extreme corruption of by the oligarchy for the oligarchy rule, that makes the US more authoritarian than governments that simply contains divisive distractions, while defending and advancing the country’s needs. “Democracy and Freedom” is complete BS used to warmonger those accused of being less liberal than apartheid ethnostate Israel.
You+state approved media have the freedom to say US is not authoritarian, while I’m still allowed to explain reality. But neither of our opinions has any relevance whatsoever on our oppression.
So you’re anti-Semitic…got it, explains everything
US of course should have its ruler determined by Netanyahu. It’s anti semitic to suggest otherwise. Congress will soon declare those who are anti-genocide to be deportable terrorist scum, and I will not burn anything down, because I am not a university student terrorist scum. But I will put a notch in the authoritarian shithole column.
The fuck are you actually on about???
Use some other words than “anti-semitism”. That card is too old and has dog ears
I suppose you excuse whatever the Israeli state does in Palestine? What say you about the violation of geneva conventions?
Of course not, depends on what it is. You can’t just write a blank check so to speak and tolerate ANY behavior, that’s not remotely acceptable no matter the side, but alas no matter what I say Israel doing anything other than rolling over is them doing too much for you guys.
As a Jewish “Israeli” (Occupied Palestine) I am a proud antisemite, I wear that word as a badge of honor.
The USA has the highest incarcerated population in the world. Per capita it’s about 2-4x the list of “authoritarian” states that usually get referenced.
Do you want to do a quick compare on the rates of extrajudicial killings as well?
I don’t know what better quantitative measurement for “authoritarian” are than life and liberty. Do you have better ones?
While this is true I’m not sure what that has to do with authoritarianism. I think the reasons for incarceration speak far more to what is authoritarian and what isn’t. A thousand people incarcerated for murder isn’t authoritarian, a single person jailed for speech is. The US doesn’t have a perfect track record there but it’s far better than most other countries.
An ethnic minority criminalised and prosecuted several times more than the ethnic majority of the country is authoritarian though.
oh, like uyghurs?
Oh, do you have any statistics to bring up showing current, post-2021 incarceration rates by ethnicity in China?
only found this
and guess why I couldn’t find an official and transparent statistic…
because china is very authoritarian and has a lot to hide
No, its a hallmark of an authoritarian rule, not the proof of one. Believe it or not many places in history have been right bastards and have also been anti-authoritarian (think french revolution, the start of most communist revolutions, etc.) sometimes they are so anti-authoritarian they end up authoritarian.
Homicide rate is far less than other countries.
People are jailed and murdered in the US over “speech” all the time.
It seems like your “us is far better” is based purely on vibes… Unless you’ve got some numbers you’d like to share?
Project 2025 has joined the chat
fascist attempts to spread liberal fascist US state dept propaganda that has been debunked thousands of times over
cries about muh freeze peach when told to stop spreading misinformation
Yeah go back to .world, bud
…this screenshot is from lemmy.world.
Go easy on them, ml users aren’t known for their observation skills.
> the us is authoritarian (which is bad)
> I’m not authoritarian (which is good)
> if you disagree, we’ll ban you
let me guess… your logic was made in china too, damn tankie
That doesn’t sound very patriotic? Dont you know 'Merica is the freest country in the world. You’re free to have your labor value exploited and your tax dollars sent of to forign genocidal regimes, if you disagree you’re free to go to prison for protesting and be used as free labor.
PTB stinking hypocrisy from a distance.
Counterpoint. It’s not a strawman. The US is is an authoritarian state. If you disagree too loudly I will instaban you. also Why are you here?
Strawman wasn’t enough, was it? There’s an implicit false dichotomy here, between accepting the idiotic reasoning and the conclusion or rejecting both (thus the user not belonging to the sub).
EDIT: to be clear. I won’t talk if USA is/isn’t authoritarian, that is not my point. My point is that the mod in question is clearly being irrational, and hell breaks loose once you put irrational people on power. I also don’t think that he should be removing users for not agreeing with the premise of the sub.
Is it a mock-up of Trump being a general dipshit, getting things wrong, then aggressively doubling down on those things when people say anything.
Clearly it’s not a place to try and defend America. The mod is probably a tankie dick, but you’re the one who went into their space.
Clearly it’s not a place to try and defend America. The mod is probably a tankie dick, but you’re the one who went into their space.
OP is not even defending (or accusing) USA in that thread. Their only comment there is
> The US is is an authoritarian state.
> If you disagree too loudly I will instaban you.
They’re only highlighting the mod’s hypocrisy. Everything else is assumption.
And the deal applies to the user that the mod is screeching at:
That couldn’t be more of a strawman even if he was with a lion, a Kansas girl and a tin man on a yellow brick road
Even if you agree that USA is authoritarian (IDK if the user in question does), the argument in the OOP is bloody idiotic, it’s on the same level as “2+2=7 lol thus whales don’t fly lmao”. And it is a strawman because it mischaracterises why people say that China is authoritarian.
What hypocrisy? It’s not called AntiAuthority.
It’s idiotic in that it ignores Xi’s 50 years of being involved in the party, and the power he’s head since before he was Gen sec. I wouldn’t call it a strawman, although it’s a pretty selective interpretation.
What hypocrisy? It’s not called AntiAuthority.
The mod is denouncing authoritarianism from a government, while being themself authoritarian. It is hypocrisy.
And, even if it wasn’t hypocrisy (it is), what random@blahaj said there would be simply a false accusation against the mod. It does not imply that they’re defending USA.
It’s idiotic in that it ignores Xi’s 50 years of being involved in the party, and the power he’s head since before he was Gen sec. I wouldn’t call it a strawman, although it’s a pretty selective interpretation.
It is a strawman because it mischaracterises why people claim that China is authoritarian. It has zero to do with Xi being head of state for eight years; it has to do with the one party system, plus censorship.
(OOP could have capitalised on that to claim that USA is authoritarian, without being a strawman. They didn’t.)
Mate, they’re not a bloody fucking government themselves are they? Talk about 2+2=7 alright…
And it’s not a strawman, it’s not in response to anyone. It’s at blurst whataboutism.
they’re not a bloody fucking government themselves are they?
The morality of authoritarianism does not “magically” change depending on who does it; it’s still the same outcome, only in a different scale. If one is bad, the other is also bad. And someone doing what they denounce as bad is hypocrisy.
And you could bring up a thousand more arbitrary restrictions like you already did twice, like, “it isn’t hypocrisy because today is Friday lol”. It still won’t change shite dammit.
And, as I already showed, even if your insane troll logic was valid (it is not), it doesn’t defend the bullshit/assumption/lie that OP was defending USA.
You’re being a bloody muppet and odds are that you know it.
Talk about 2+2=7 alright…
What I said is not false, let alone evidently false.
And it’s not a strawman, it’s not in response to anyone.
Yeah, because that community and the post totally exist in a vacuum. They are totally not addressing what people often say, that China is authoritarian. Right??? /s
It’s at blurst [worst?] whataboutism.
Whataboutism is a diversion tactic. It would be whataboutism if OOP used that argument to divert attention from China into USA; they are not doing it, the central theme of the community is USA.
In case someone complains about the wall of text: Brandolini’s Law.
It does change when it comes to voluntary spaces. Their instance is like a club, it can impose its own rules on itself it’s not hurting anyone. A state imposing rules affects everyone and it’s damn hard to move.
You cannot begin to compare state oppression to Lemmy moderation.
It does change when it comes to voluntary spaces.
You: “ackshyually the comm isn’t AntiAuthority”
Me: [shows that it doesn’t matter]
You: “ackshyually they aren’t a government”
Me: [shows that it doesn’t matter]
You: “ackshyually it changes when it’s a voluntary space”
You’re changing the goalposts again.
You cannot begin to compare state oppression to Lemmy moderation.
You: “elephant shit is not mouse shit. Thus mouse shit is not shit”.
To be blunt I’m not wasting my time further with you.
Listen, you and I know you’re not that stupid, so stop pretending to be.
Apparently you are.
You think it’s fine to go into a community to harass it, yet complain when you get banned.
You act like it’s totally fine to go into these spaces and be a dick, because you believe its hypocritical that they treated an online community differently to a fucking nation state?
Stop pretending to be a fucking dickhead, you can clearly see what Op did was wrong but because you don’t like the community you think it was okay to be done.
How did they “harass it”. You still haven’t managed to explain that. The person the mod replied to never said the US is not authoritarian. They can disagree with the mod and still think the US is authoritarian. Stop being a dumbass and defending another dumbass.
What does YDI BPR mean?
You Deserve It and Bait Provoked Reaction.
They are explained in the community sidebar:
Some acronyms you might see.
- PTB - Power-Tripping Bastard: The commenter agrees with you this was a PTB mod.
- YDI - You Deserved It: The commenter thinks you deserved that mod action.
- BPR - Bait-Provoked Reaction: That mod probably overreacted in charged situation, or due to being baited.
- CLM - Clueless mod: The mod probably just doesn’t understand how their software works.
Plot twist: The mod is from US and just proving their point.
They’re getting reamed out in the comments, which is great to see.
100% YDI, there’s no power tripping for moderator to kick someone out for useless flaming or trolling, it’s one of their duties.
take that shouldn’t be hot: except for in very small communities, mods should not do moderation on their own posts’ comment section, especially when they are the type to be super defensive and invested in their posts’ success. this is the case with those like jordanlund, flyingsquid and the PTB here.
in other words, !usauthoritarianism@lemmy.world has two mods. if mod A makes a participatory (non-pinned/PSA) post, mod B should be the one that handles violations in that posts’ comments. especially if mod A is a frequent commenter and gets into arguments easily.
The place is filled with plenty of examples of US authoritarianism. Consider lurking before posting OP.
never said the us wasn’t authoritarian, I was just making fun of the ptb
Why would it be considered authoritarian to state that you wont rule out military use to rule over the Panama Canal or ban medical procedures decided between doctors and patients?
Tolerant for the intolerant smth smth