Just wondering since I know a lot of people quietly use a screen-area-select -> tesseract OCR -> clipboard shortcut.

  • I separate subjects of interest into different Firefox windows, in different workspaces – so I have an extension title them and a startup script parse text to ask the compositor to put them in the correct workspace (lets me restart more conveniently).
  • I have automatically-set different-orientation wallpapers for using my 2-in-1 depending on whether I use it in portrait or landscape (kind of just for looks, but I don’t think if anyone else adds a wallpaper change to their screen rotation keybind).
  •  Rimu   ( @rimu@piefed.social ) 
    322 months ago

    I have an old gamer keyboard with extra programmable keys on the side, which I use for cut, copy, paste, close tab, close window, etc. Logitech provides drivers/software for Windows & Mac only.

    To make it work I have a custom monkey-patched USB driver that I compiled from source, some weird daemon that interacts with the driver and some shell scripts on top of that. I’m not sure how but it works thanks to a 9 year old youtube video made by a guy from eastern europe somewhere.

  • When I press Super + PrtSc, a bash script performs the following:

    Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop (import -window root) and saves it as ~/screenshot.png…

    Analyzes the screenshot to calculate the “mean brightness” value of the image. It converts the image to grayscale and determines the average pixel brightness (a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is black and 1 is white).

    Checks if the image is dark by comparing the mean brightness to a threshold of 0.2. If the mean brightness is less than 0.2 (i.e., the image is very dark), it applies a negative filter to the image (convert -negate), effectively inverting the colors (black becomes white and vice versa).

    Sends the image to a printer (lp command) named MF741C-743C for printing.

  • I have two mice, one for either hand, and use xinput to flip the buttons on JUST the left one. It’s actually one of the main things keeping me from moving to Wayland, which doesn’t seem to have the same configuration features

    •  fool   ( @fool@discuss.tchncs.de ) OP
      42 months ago

      LOL I’ve never seen that before.

      Do you use them both at the same time? Or do you switch between them rapidly? (Maybe you could make a taskbar button-toggle if it’s the latter!)

    • there are both configurable mice that let you swap mouse buttons (in the worst case in a windows virtualbox with usb passthrough) or mice that are leftie right out the get-go. those would allow you to use wayland, assuming you can afford to and want to get a new mouse.

  • I have scripts set up to switch between my desk setup and my home theater setup that swap monitor configurations with wlrandr and default audio devices in wireplumber. These scripts are triggered with the “Netflix” button on my Nvidia Shield remote via Home Assistant and SSH. Simultaneously on Home Assistant power to the peripherals on my desk is toggled, the TV input is toggled between the Nvidia Shield and the PC, my AV receiver settings are toggled, and if the PC was asleep, it’s turned on with a WoL magic packet.

  • I suspect my habit of having an alias userctl="systemctl --user" is slightly unusual, as is running Firefox, Steam, and some other graphical programs as systemd units is somewhat unusual (e.g. mod4-enter runs systemd-run --user alacritty)

    But what I’m actually pretty sure is unique is my keyboard layout. I taught myself dvorak a summer some decades ago, but the norwegian dvorak layout has some annoyances, so I’ve made some tweaks. Used to be a Xmodmap file, but with the switch to wayland I turned it into a file in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/.

    Part of what I did to teach myself dvorak and touch-typing at the same time was randomize the placement of the keycaps too. It has a side effect of being a kind of security by obscurity layer: I type quickly and confidently, but others who want to use my machines have an “uhh …” reaction.

    •  navordar   ( @nawordar@lemmy.ml ) 
      2 months ago

      I didn’t know about the systemd-run command. Do you use it to save the command log? I created a script conveniently named x which opens a file in a default app, in the background, so I can still use the terminal. But then I had the problem with handling logs and this sounds like a perfect solution. Gonna try it today.

      As for the alias, I wanted to create a pacman-like interface for systemctl, so the commands would be much shorter, but never finished it. For example, sctl -Eun unit would be equal to sysyemctl enable --user --now unit

  • I use compose key sequences to save time writing out long email addresses. For example, I have something like this in my ~/.XCompose:

     <b>  <s> : "myangryboss@company.com" # Email of my very angry boss

    So I can just type Compose (right alt on my system), bos@ and get his email address. Less error prone than typing out emails manually.

    I’m probably not the only one to use compose strings as a replacement to a text expander, but I don’t know anyone else who does this.</s></b>

  • I am indecisive when it comes to wallpapers so I have a script somewhere which accepts tag-words as arguments and then scrapes wallhaven.cc for those words at the resolution of my setup and picks one that contains those words at random before downloading it to my wallpapers folder and setting it as my wallpaper image.

    So for example, you could just know you want something blue so you would run wallpaper blue and it just grabs one and sets it. You could get a wallpaper of the sky, of a blue car, of the ocean, whatever happens to be a wallpaper that met the criteria of the word/s supplied.

  • I boot on a custom EFI app to control my dualboot (instead of systemd-boot or grub) that asks a service on my proxmox server which OS I’m supposed to boot.

    Overkill, but it allows me to control my dual-boot without a keyboard in my computer (because it’s a Bluetooth keyboard so I can’t really use it in grub anyway)

  •  comfy   ( @comfy@lemmy.ml ) 
    2 months ago

    While I doubt the concept is unique, the script is: a keyboard shortcut will check the clipboard for a YouTube link and then show launcher options for mpv or yt-dlp, including launch arguments for lower quality format and audio only. It launches that in a terminal for easier handling when yt-dlp doesn’t work properly (much more common if using proxies, but also if a video is age-restricted or deleted).

    So when I see a yt link here, I can just copy it, keyboard shortcut and then it’s playing in my local video player.

    edit: here’s the script. It assumes xsel (clipboard access), rofi (menu creator), gnome-terminal (terminal) and notify-send (system notification on failure) are installed and working, you’ll need to replace any which don’t match your system. My DE just runs it in bash when the shortcut is entered.

    Code (click to expand)
    ARR+=("mpv full")
    ARR+=("mpv medium")
    NORMAL_URL=`xsel -ob | sed -r "s/.*(v=|\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}).*/https:\/\/youtube.com\/watch?v=\2/"`
    CHOICE=$(printf '%s\n' "${ARR[@]}" | rofi -dmenu -p "mpv + yt-dlp from clipboard")
    if [ "$CHOICE" = "mpv full" ]; then
    if [ "$CHOICE" = "mpv medium" ]; then
    	OPTIONS+="'--ytdl-format=bv*[height&lt;721]+ba' "
    if [ "$CHOICE" = "yt-dlp" ]; then
    if [ $MPV == "true" ]; then
    	gnome-terminal --title "$NORMAL_URL" -- bash -c "echo $COMMAND;$COMMAND;if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; then notify-send 'yt-dlp failed' $NORMAL_URL; bash; fi;"
    elif [ $DOWNLOAD == "true" ]; then
            gnome-terminal --title "$NORMAL_URL" -- bash -c "echo $COMMAND;$COMMAND;if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; then notify-send 'yt-dlp failed' $NORMAL_URL; bash; fi;"
  • On my desktop, I wrote a Python script that pulls a random Star Trek: The Next Generation or Deep Space Nine script from a folder and prints it in STDOUT. I use this in the XScreenSaver Text Manipulation > Program option to turn Star Trek into a screen saver.

    Currently, I use it with the Apple II screensaver, but in its original incarnation, I used the Star Wars intro screensaver. 😈

  • Definitely not nobody but statistically VERY FEW people will have this combination:

    • pop!os (fight me!)
    • script that limits accumulator charge to 80% on asus laptop
    • script that turns on vpn if out of home and kicks off a backup if at home (through wifi ssid)

    Edit: nice try to fingerprint me, big tech. You succeeded! /j