• Why the hell is the government paying for a service that is directed towards individual households at a price that few households would find difficult to pay for in the first place?

    This is frankly not only a waste of taxpayer money, but also a blatant attempt to buddy up with an American oligarch.

    Once again, Ford is selling this province to his oligarch buddies.

    • I don’t think the contract has even been made public but apparently there was some stuff in there to have starlink upgrade local infrastructure. Idk why you would hire starlink for that and without the full contract it’s really hard to know wtf this contract is even about because as you said the per unit cost way exceeds just going to Costco and buying starlink.

        • Yea, but that doesn’t account for the cost in the slightest. Any city is better served by getting local providers to upgrade their physical lines, leaving only rural areas to use satellite, which is only in the thousands, maybe tens of thousands of households. Even if it was to buy them all starlinks, as it was mentioned, the cost is many times that to just buying the dishes and pay for their normal fees, as I the monthly cost was only around $100 or so.

  •  Joe Dyrt   ( @JoeDyrt@lemmy.ca ) 
    21 month ago

    Ya bunch a nimrods! The few hundreds of thousands of people who don’t live within 300 km of Toronto or the lakes need StarLink to get decent Internet. How can they watch the Leafs lose another fantastic season without good Internet? The cost of those contracts doesn’t cross the attention threshold of guys like leon. So cmon, ease up on that one.

  • I know people that use Starlink because they have nothing else except Xplore (formerly Xplornet), which sucks ass. I like that they have the choice to avoid Xplore. That said, I would love to see Dougie shoot himself in the foot and go through with something like this so that he loses the rural vote.