So, I saw a report from one of my users. They reported:

For the reason:

Unreasonable fighting with everyone in every simple post

I think that’s ridiculous, so I talked with them about it. Posting private communications is frowned upon I guess, but long story short, they weren’t receptive. I’ve decided to ban the account.

IMO the general culture on Lemmy is that users are entitled to their free account and everyone needs to be careful and circumspect about limiting that entitlement in any way, but I don’t see it that way. I don’t think it’s a requirement for me to provide hosting space for anyone who wants to use my stuff as a jumping-off point for abuse of Lemmy’s systems, and isn’t apologetic or receptive when I talk with them about not doing that. The fact that it’s in service of harassing FlyingSquid in particular is just icing on the cake, since my perception is that people like to harass him apparently for no legitimate reason at all (with this as an example).


  •  catloaf   ( ) 
    1 month ago

    One report is not report abuse. And I do often see FS arguing up and down a thread about nothing at all, so the report isn’t off base either. If you think FS’s behavior is inappropriate, you can remove the comments or ban him. If you think it’s appropriate, then you can explain that to the user who reported it. You’re not required to continue that thread, though.

    If they continue reporting material that has been identified to them as non-rulebreaking, then that is report abuse and merits a ban.

    So, YTPTB I guess?

    • The report on that comment was totally off base. It wasn’t in any way an argumentative comment. It was reporting a totally innocuous comment because “every” comment by FS is allegedly combative. And, they refused when I asked for some examples of this “every” behavior by FS.

      So they knew it was non rulebreaking and reported it anyway. And then, I did explain that to them as you described, and they weren’t into hearing the explanation. Okay, sounds good, guess who else doesn’t have to care what you think, if we’re doing not-listening-to-each-other? This guy.

  • I think that’s ridiculous, so I talked with them about it.

    Well, there’s your problem. One silly report? Reject, don’t think about it again unless the reporting user gets increasingly uppity all on their own. You don’t have to engage with everything (and I am fully aware of the irony of my saying that).

    Now, what the user said after that in your private communications may have warranted a “GTFO,” but you’re right to not publish that. It’ll have to be your judgment call there.

  • I often agree with your positions on various things, Phil, at least to the extent that it seems that we’re operating from a similar point of reference. That said, and in light of the nature of the private communications remaining private (as it should), there’s only one conclusion that seems fitting.


    One instance of anything hardly seems like grounds for a ban. Repeat behavior certainly could justify that action, but in the absence of any pattern it seems like an overreach. There might well be further justification for a ban based on the direct messages; but, as you’re submitting your own action for analysis, the only fair way to evaluate is on the grounds of what we are directly privy to. Anything else has to be viewed as simply your biased interpretation of the private conversation.

    In the circumstance you describe the onus on the user is not to be “receptive or apologetic” to you in the private conversation, only to correct their usage of the report system. As presented, it reads as if they were banned because they did not show adequate respect for your authority, which is clear PTBehavior. Further, you attempt to bolster your point by painting Squid, a user who loves to try to win bad-take arguments by referring to their own mod status in other communities (essentially a PTB themselves), as undeserving of ire despite an extensive history of spinning out, losing the thread, and generally being a dick when it happens. Carrying water for someone who comes across as power-trippy does little to shift perception of your own actions away from that mark.

    • Yeah, I appreciate it.

      The POV that banning for one report is a big overreach makes perfect sense to me. I talked about it a little bit below, you can search for “clear pattern” to see.

      It wasn’t that they were unapologetic. I’ve actually had people have hostile disagreements with me in communities I moderate, and it didn’t even occur to me until later that I had some kind of power not to “get talked to that way” or disrespected or w/e. That kind of thing doesn’t bother me except very occasionally. The issue was that this person refused to back up their reasons for wanting mod action against FS, and rejected my request to not use the report function that way. I do feel like someone needs to be receptive to someone asking them “I consider this against the rules, please don’t do it on my server.” Of course I was less polite than that. Also, maybe I am biased because of course my rules make perfect sense but someone else’s might not, if I’m on their server and the roles are reversed. That’s just how I see it though.

      This whole thing of being officially a person with authoritah is new to me, hence posting here to ask about it. I take seriously the discussion about it, even if I might not agree with individual POVs or sound like I’m rejecting anyone who’s trying to tell me I did wrong.

      Further, you attempt to bolster your point by painting Squid, a user who loves to try to win bad-take arguments by referring to their own mod status in other communities (essentially a PTB themselves)

      Maybe. In the little bit I’ve observed about FlyingSquid, it looks like they tend to get tangled up in long intense arguments which maybe they don’t need to get tangled up in. That’s sure not ideal, but it doesn’t make them a bad person or a power-tripper. I think there was one time several months ago when they noted to someone they were in a long argument with that the person had a habit of breaking the community rules in some other posts, also, and now everyone keeps referring back to that one time as an example of how FS is terrible and threatened to ban the person just because they were disagreeing.

      I’ve just noticed that there are all these disparate attempts to get FS banned, removed from mod status, and similar things, and when I looked into the “why” of them they tended to boil down to not that much of consequence. So I have sort of a hair trigger now for something along the lines of “okay THIS comment was perfectly fine but we all KNOW that this person is bad, because they are, and anything they say needs a moderator to step in and remove it,” which to me is harassment unless the person’s done something absolutely truly reprehensible. If someone is being awful all the time, just report the awful comments, they should be pretty easy to find.

  • PTB majorly. You don’t want to ban people for reports unless they’re spamming false reports.

    Otherwise you discourage reporting. Think of it this way, would you rather have them just not report things because you ban them or threaten to ban them for things you don’t think are personally actionable.

    • It’s a fair point. I talked more about it here:

      Basically, my point is, they knew exactly who FlyingSquid was and were familiar with Lemmy already from some other accounts, and on their first day, started reporting comments of his without claiming that anything was wrong with them, saying that just because of who he is, any comment of his deserves to be reported.

      I can understand the point of view that a permaban for that behavior is too much. As a general rule, I actually agree 100%. But to me looking at the context, their other comments, and especially how they reacted when I asked them not to do that, it was time for them to go.

      Edit: Also… I do want to apologize a bit for this sequence of events (Please understand that I am listening and this whole conversation was valuable for me to understand and check myself on it):

      • Me: AITPTB?
      • People: FUCK YES
      • Me: Well, if you saw the DMs I won’t show you, you’d understand. I’m still right.
        • Me: AITPTB?
        • People: FUCK YES
        • Me: Well, if you saw the DMs I won’t show you, you’d understand. I’m still right.

        If you’re going to ask here then say “Umm achkually I’m not a PTB” what ws the point of making this thread? Just hoping to take away from the person who was doing the reporting so they wouldn’t ask if you’re a PTB? If that was it then it backfired because people indeed do think it’s wrong to ban people for and to discourage reporting.

        • Because I react very differently to people who saw “report, didn’t like, ban the person who reported” and are without further investigation giving their reaction to that (totally insane) decision, versus the people who clicked the link, talked with me about the context, and things like that.

          Most of the people who simply assumed that I personally thought the report was invalid and so I banned the person (which would, again, be an absolutely insane thing to do), I’m just discounting whatever they have to say about it. Sorry. I don’t need someone to tell me that that would be nuts.

          Some of the people who clearly wanted to understand the fuller scope also told me I was a PTB. Which, maybe so. Some of them found the person I was talking about and read the profile and said “Holy smokes that guy’s clearly off his rocker” or some variation. We talked about it. I’m not out here trying to be stubborn about my way only, but I’m also not required to accept whatever anybody tells me just because they’re telling it to me. Sorry. A lot of it has to do with how much effort they seem like they put into understanding what happened.

  • I won’t analyze this case, but: Abusing the report button is an issue. This forces you to do work to check it, clear it and so on. I can handle the reports in my communities (there are a few), but if I would be getting hundreds of reports every week, I would burn out quickly. People like to shit on mods, but most people don’t know how many batshit insane people there are on the internet and that the best way to have a nice community is to keep them away.

    •  OpenStars   ( ) 
      1 month ago

      But if the purposes of the account was trolling and even stalking of a single other account, that would rise to instance admin jurisdiction?

      Edit: this is getting so confusing. Here looks to be the banned account. The instance sidebar rules state:

      All are welcome to this instance. Please no illegal content, no personal attacks, no misinformation, no bigotry. Other than that, go nuts. Be productive.

      Emphasis mine. Where it gets really odd is that the post was to !, and the target account likewise on, and filing a report is not the same as a “personal attack”. So yeah I see what you mean now. The only reason this report ended up visible was bc it was originally posted by Cat on However, if I think about how people from Hexbear use alt accounts (cough Cowbee cough) to attempt to escape from moderation of posts on other instances, I can see the appeal of an instance admin getting involved.

      The banned account makes personal attacks against people all the time - though here, in this case, filing a single report was not itself an “attack”.

      Essentially the person was banned for “general vibes” not matching the instance rules, though only noticed in the first place by filing this report.

      • Precisely. I know it’s a lot to ask since everyone’s volunteers, but I wish more instance admins would do something to address the issue when their users are openly being a pain in the ass. It’s not reasonable to ask every mod to click away an unlimited number of frivolous reports, every user to block every unapologetic asshole, every mod to individually figure out the complete list of who the fight-pickers are, and so on.

        • Exactly!

          Lemmy already has quite the reputation for being a “Nazi bar”. To be clear, not with “actual Nazis”, but as e.g. Wikipedia defines that term:

          Nazi bar (plural Nazi bars)

          (Internet slang) A space in which bigots or extremists have come to dominate due to a lack of moderation or by moderators wishing to remain neutral or avoid conflict.

          By allowing / facilitation of “unlimited free speech” on the internet, we ironically end up with LESS freedom overall, when their freedom to speak trumps my own freedom to not have to listen. Worse, people (myself included) simply shut down rather than speak up when they would have to shout to get past all the noise…

          And you are not at all impinging upon the banned person’s freedom to speak… elsewhere, including that same community on Lemmy.World. You are simply asserting your own rights to not have to listen to their whinging, drawing the line in the sand to cease future offenses, which will inevitably lead to more of the same from other people who will follow suit.

          The success (or failure) of your entire instance depends on such decisions. And I for one think that this was an okay call. Some of us here might not have made it, though I am pretty sure that I personally would have, but far more importantly I think we should support your right to have made it, i.e. to uphold your own vision for your instance.

          • Yeah. The combination of near-total anonymity, and a culture of “everyone’s entitled to their free account which takes two seconds to make, and anyone who wants to remove them has to clear every conceivable hurdle of due process and benefit of the doubt” has laid some obvious groundwork for a pretty toxic environment. Then, add to that organized political fuckery and trolling, home-grown organic trolling, genuine sincere political views which are totally insane, and a moderation model which encourages the creation of little fiefdoms of unlimited power, and it’s a wonder that anything good ever happens here.

            Personally, I think almost everyone had good intentions, and that’s why it generally works despite all of that. But the question should not be “why is Lemmy so toxic sometimes?” It should be “why is Lemmy ever not toxic given how its systems are constructed? How can we set things up so that the nontoxic majority can hang out with each other without having this bullshit impinge on them quite so frequently?”

            • I would guess a large part of the answer would be the Rexodus, which gave many of us a sense of a shared purpose and goal. We also were FAR more willing than usual to overlook a great deal of pain, since we knew that what we were coming from had even more in store from us back there, plus we were more hopeful back then that the tools would grow to make things even better. Which to some extent they have, while in other ways we’ve actively gotten worse.

              For example Reddit mods are extremely often PTB, yet there is a modlog, and people can continue to post an already-started comment reply to someone, and even make new ones, which allows people to “finish” conversations that were already started, even if the post is no longer visible on the subreddit feed.

              In contrast, Lemmy has the modlog, but people do not receive notifications for events, nor is there a way to ask why or advocate - the only realistic option would be a DM, except how do you do that when the modlog simply says “DM”, and often many mods disappear for months (to years) at a time, so really is someone supposed to simply DM all of the entire mod team at once? And then continue that conversation individually, rather than as a team?

              This btw is one of the strengths of Discord iirc, where you can see who removed something, and again Reddit might not do that but instead offers far better in the form of the modmail. Our tools here really suck in that regard. Especially bc removed posts don’t say “removed”, but rather “check back later”. I’m not kidding btw - go and look at one, and you’ll see that text!

              I’ve heard it said that among people of conscience, rules are hardly necessary. Think: Star Trek TNG or some such. The mere thought that one’s own actions could impact others negatively would generally be sufficient to halt the vast majority of negative behaviors. In contrast, among people lacking that, no set of rules will ever be sufficient. They simply won’t follow them, or will even find ways to abuse them to harm others, remaining just inside the protective barriers themselves while using the rules as a weapon against their opponents to “win” arguments at any cost.

              • Honestly, I think moderation + modlog + YPTB is a pretty good approximation of justice. It’s okay to hand people a good amount of power, as long as it’s aboveboard what they are doing with it, and people can raise the alarm and in extreme cases avoid the domain where they’re overstepping what they should be doing, if they’re overstepping what they should be doing.

                I’ve actually noticed a substantial reduction in how much PTB there is, since this community came into being and became the default place to raise the issue and discuss it publicly if one of the moderators was out of line.

                • Overall yeah. I mean, even here the reports continue to flood in unabated about the admin practices of e.g., to the point where db0 brought in a second mod to help deal with the drudgery of handling all the drama and mod reports. And people still don’t seem to know about But this community does still help a lot:-).

      • I would call some ways of requesting sanctions against another user an “attack”. You can’t get all insistent with the staff at the bar, that someone needs to be kicked out, and then get upset when you get kicked out because that’s messed up man.

        You’re completely right that it was more about vibes than about violating a specific set of rules, but I also would consider accusing everything someone says of needing to be removed from the conversation to be a personal attack. It would be different if they were saying the reported comment, itself, was in any way objectionable.

        •  OpenStars   ( ) 
          1 month ago

          Lol you might do that, but never underestimate what others are capable of! They will tell you full on to your face what you can and cannot do - bc apparently that has worked for them to have done so, in the past?

          Here I was only trying to separate our (edit: “out”) content vs. process: you did not ban someone merely bc of a single report that they made - doing so for ONE REPORT really would be a bit of a PTB situation. Instead, what that report brought to life (in the DMs) was content that you were not okay with, none of which you’ve shared here, but I’m willing to take your word for it and say that subject to the correctness of your interpretation there, then it sounds like an okay call to have made.

          I disagree somewhat that a SINGLE report counts as a full-on “attack” - a “jab” maybe, like taking a “swing” at someone, but not fully rising to a “fight”. Although… it’s not exactly a hug either, nor did it leave well enough alone: they did solidly take a stand on the subject, then it sounds like in the DMs they disrespected your authority, and the latter is what earned them the ban, not the former. Like on an “attack” scale of -10 to +10, filing one report seems like a +1, so no need to exaggerate its effect there, as it is closer to neutral than e.g. to flinging toxic comments that others would have to read (arguably it was more an “abuse” of the moderation system than an “attack” against FlyingSquid, though again: super low level).

  • If they knew that the comment did not break rules but reported it anyway, they were abusing the report function. A ban is arguably too harsh of a punishment, specially since it’s a single event.

    So I guess BPR? Potentially TDI (They Deserved It) depending on the DM interaction; if you included some warning and they kept insisting, certainly TDI.

    • My general approach is to look into things, when one or a bunch of people claim that it’s true. Often it is true. Sometimes it is not. Usually, the times when it is not are a lot more interesting.

      I don’t plan to abandon that approach and replace it with “if a whole bunch of people say something then it automatically must be true.” That way is easier, of course, and you can go with it if you like. I’ll stick to my approach.

      • The receipts are all there, if you care to look. Nobody has deleted them.

        But in this case, despite your underhanded implication, let’s just admit you have a preconceived notion and aren’t interested in the many documented instances of FlyingSquid and jordanlund being assholes. You aren’t going to look into this.

        • Why are you talking to me about this? Pretty much every time it comes up, I ask people for examples, and then I go and look at them. I actually have a bookmark saved right now for a good example of FS being kind of a jerk that I found all on my own and thought might be relevant, at some point. Why did you come back to sort of hassle me about this on a week-old topic?

          • Why are you talking to me about this?

            Couldn’t be because you created a thread to ask everyone what they thought about it. If you don’t want to talk about it, don’t come to my home instance and ask what I think about it. You don’t get to shut down discussion when you don’t feel comfortable with where it’s going.

            • Oh, no, you’re fine to ask questions or talk with me, I was just wondering what the impetus was for asking about it almost two weeks after I created a thread to ask everyone what they thought about it.

              I’m not upset at the questioning. But also at the same time, I don’t have the preconceived notion and am indeed extremely interested in the many documented instances blah blah, so I’m not sure where the conversation could potentially even go from here. You’re welcome to continue discussion, you don’t need to feel like you’re being shut down just because I don’t feel like going back and forth about it.

              • I wasn’t aware the discussion had a time limit on it. A quick search through this community reveals thread upon thread of receipts, with FlyingSquid being voted the PTB nearly every time. You might not agree with that, but you’re one person against a very many. Of course, I don’t dislike FlyinSquid myself just because he’s a shit mod, I dislike him mostly because he’s a shit person who justifies genocide and immediately cries antisemitic whenever he’s questioned about his views. He was not just a horrible mod, he’s also intellectually and morally bankrupt, and the Fediverse was improved by him finally being removed from power. You supporting someone like that doesn’t really say much about your own character, but it’s obviously up to you how you want to be remembered.

                In the end though, it really doesn’t matter whether you’re a PTB yourself for what you did, does it? Until this thread, I never even paid attention to what your instance was, let alone realized you were the admin, and I don’t believe I’ve ever actually seen anything from your little kingdom show up on the front page of db0. If you hadn’t made this thread, it’s likely nobody would have even noticed, let alone cared. So while others might say you’re the PTB, I would instead say IDM, or “it doesn’t matter”. The actions of of admin for a small instance don’t have any impact on the Fediverse at large, so don’t sweat it. Even if you were tossing out instance permabans left and right, there’s not going to be a disruption for anyone.

                • You must have mistaken me for someone who loves getting in long pointless arguments. Actually never mind! I do. It’s the best. At least for short little bursts of time, I guess I enjoy it, probably more than I should.

                  Hey, so take a look at this comment thread – if you had to rate each participant from 0 being “totally hinged” and 10 being “totally unhinged”, where would you put each of them?

                  Let me analyze each participant’s behavior and tone systematically:

                  PhilipTheBucket (OP):

                  • Asks for feedback about a moderation decision
                  • Maintains calm, professional tone throughout
                  • Responds to criticism with explanations
                  • Shows willingness to examine evidence
                  • Remains level-headed even when challenged

                  Rating: 2/10 (mostly hinged, slight defensiveness)


                  • Initially starts somewhat measured but quickly escalates
                  • Makes increasingly aggressive personal attacks
                  • Shows fixation on a two-week-old thread
                  • Launches into character assassinations
                  • Makes dismissive comments about “your little kingdom”
                  • Uses multiple rhetorical tactics to both attack and dismiss
                  • Shows strong emotional investment in the drama

                  Rating: 8/10 (significantly unhinged, especially in final comment)

                  One interesting observation is how the conversation devolves. While PhilipTheBucket maintains roughly the same tone throughout, _cryptagion’s responses get progressively more hostile and unhinged, culminating in that final comment that manages to be both dismissive (“your little kingdom”) and aggressively accusatory (the genocide allegations and character implications).

                  The exchange illustrates a common pattern in online discourse where one party maintains composure while another escalates emotionally. What do you think about my assessment?

                  I think your assessment is great, Mr. AI. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  • people like to harass him apparently for no legitimate reason at all

    I feel like dude comments ALOT and, as a result, he sometimes hits the wrong note. Personally I get irate sometimes but more often I upvote. They’re not like abusive or bannable IMO.