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Anybody Alive And Growing Anything?

Photo of my biggest terrarium for attention. Things are less colourful currently; this is from about a year ago. I always enjoy my terrarium the most in February with the green contrasting with the Canadian winter. It’s especially white and snowy this week.

  •  nettle   ( ) 
    11 month ago

    My Earina Autumnalis orchid flowered I have also got lots of other plants Im proud of, but I’m away from home so this is the only photo I’ve got.

    Your terrarium is looking beautiful! I’m planning on making a large cooled terrarium for alpine plants sometime. All my current tereriums are small so it will be quite a challenge.

      • Never too late on Lemmy! I think so. Or maybe a philodendron.

        It actually originally started in a glass bowl pot on our kitchen cupboard and we guided it to the other room. It was twice as long as in the photo. But then the stalk for some reason weakened in one spot and we were worried it was going to break off.

        So we hung that “midway” pot in the photo and were able to get a risone to sprout root.

        The weak spot eventually did break, so now we have 2! Plants are incredible. 😍

        As for the hooks. Yeah we’re lucky as we own the house and there’s a nice wooden beam right there. But maybe you can use those stick on 3M cable management “hooks”? The vines definitely weight less than say a metal core cable. The pot can just be on a book case or something tall.

        • Regarding the plant now being two plants… plants are just neat!

          The command strip idea is really good, I think I’ll try that out. My pothos is just now getting long enough to try and do something cool with.