• “This is just raising our hand to a group of people that feel disenfranchised, who feel like their voice hasn’t been heard. They’re not being represented,” Huston said. “Some of them are going to talk about succeeding. That’s certainly one path to go. We’re just raising our hands to say, ‘look this is a great opportunity to have a discussion.’”

    Tell me that you’ve never committed journalism without telling me.

      • I’d not be surprised if they have a list of Pubic Meetings as well. I had a reporter way further back than I care to think who always ran spellcheck ahead of submitting. This is fine and good practice, as well as saving me time.

        What is not good practice is blindly accepting the first suggestion, so now there are no typos, just incorrect words. I had to ban him from using spellcheck after very nearly missing “party with a causal atmosphere.”