You lose the senior vote as the GOP, you’re fucked.
Yes, we’ve another two years, and it’s becoming more clear this is why they’re speedrunning.
But this is … I don’t know if self-immolation or Ouroboros is more apt.
ToadOfHypnosis ( ) English22•1 month agoThey want to get rid of them then tank the economy so they can claim we can’t afford them. The rich are engineering a major crash. With this level of concentration of wealth, they can buy up a massive amount of assets on the cheap. Then their Network State plans will keep their assets fluid. Wouldn’t be surprised if Musk’s meddling was about directly stealing social security assets to boot. This is all just a big theft of the boomer generations assets. It’s going to get real ugly.
There seems a very high, unconsidered risk of backlash. Like, this sort of shit indicates 2026 is off the table for elections.
inv3r5ion ( ) English17•1 month agoLol at you equating being voted out of office as “real consequences”.
The only thing these people fear is death itself. They need to be more scared.
For now, voting is still allowed. Keep your powder dry for when it isn’t. You’ll want the energy.
inv3r5ion ( ) English8•1 month agoWho am I supposed to vote for? The fascists or the controlled opposition?
I would be very surprised if the Dems hold together to 2026 in this environment. They have to take a hard left, or Bernie starts a new party. Remember, there used to be Whigs. Nothing lasts forever, and this sort of environment, where everyone simultaneously realizes they’re getting fucked, ends in either authoritarianism or a new order.
I can’t personally believe the U.S. military would follow orders to quash dissent given their professionalism. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t care for a lot of what they’ve done over the years. National Guard? Sure. (See: Kent State)
As many Republicans as Democrats are about to get screwed without lube, and everyone has their breaking point; this is high-risk, high-reward. What they seem to be forgetting is they encouraged people to arm themselves and stock ammo, and at this accelerated rate, it might even break through to them that maybe, just maybe, it’s the rich guys that are the problem, not the poors.
inv3r5ion ( ) English5•1 month agoI totally agree with this. They’re fucking around and they’re about to find out. There’s a gun behind every blade of grass in this country. The question is… what will be the last straw? I think we came dangerously close to a revolution during the beginning of covid, with the right wing losing their collective shit over being asked to stay home and wear a mask, and the BLM protests after another black person was shot by the cops. (Note the difference in severity of offense to get a crowd to form. Blacks getting killed vs whites getting inconvenienced)
What’s it going to take? Killing off social security? Medicare? Medicaid? I think SS will do it. My mother (and many others her age) rely on it almost entirely to survive. With nothing left to lose, kids grown and looking at the end of their lifespan, why not revolt? My moms a dem but most her age are trump supporters. Surely it’s the undesirables that trump will hurt and not them. but are they physically fit enough to revolt? Doubtful.
Last year I was in Home Depot looking at tool accessories. A woman dressed in marine officer uniform approached me. I thought she was hitting on me at first. In reality, she was trying to recruit me to the marines. “You look so young and fit! Hard to find these days!” Well unfortunately for her, not young enough.
This woman was casing out the local Home Depot looking for young fit people to recruit. They’re desperate. What does that say about our society and the chances that we even could revolt successfully? What does that say about our national security in general?
As for the whigs… the republicans went that way when trump and the tea party took over. The republicans of my youth (bush 2 and co) are now effectively the democrat party. See Liz Cheney as an example….
Dems couldn’t pour resistance out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the bottom. They’ve not been what they still sell themselves as since Tip O’Neill.
One of the large questions is whether people finally realize that. I don’t think they will. I think however this plays out, Dems are going to come out the other end portraying themselves as trying to right the ship after things have gone so sideways, and people will buy it because they understand neither the Overton window nor the perils of a two-party system.
When you’ve known nothing but neoliberalism your entire life, everything else looks scary.
jonne ( ) 6•1 month agoKeep voting for the democrats and definitely don’t ask them to do more than give speeches on MSNBC and write strongly worded letters. It’s only a matter of time before the West Wing moment comes where the Republican comes to his senses and does the right thing.
inv3r5ion ( ) English6•1 month agoThank you for this glimmer of sanity. I can’t deal with the libs and their vote harder bullshit any longer. We need real leadership and opposition, something the democrats are incapable of because it offends the “good billionaires” (lololol they learned nothing from the loss) aka their controllers.
jjjalljs ( ) 4•1 month agoThe other day I said something about how maybe people will rise up, and someone responded with a quote from “they thought they were free”
Go on. Have a read:
(Edit: that URL isn’t making a nice link for some reason)
HobbitFoot ( ) English9•1 month agoIf there are still elections.
SpikesOtherDog ( ) 6•1 month agoI’m seeing that they are abandoning seniors, possibly in the hope that they die off in the upcoming bird flu and coronavirus outbreak.
Claiming another outbreak from this particular source is disingenuous. The source material literally says:
The study itself noted that the virus has significantly less binding affinity to human ACE2 than SARS-CoV-2, and other suboptimal factors for human adaptation suggest the “risk of emergence in human populations should not be exaggerated.”
SpikesOtherDog ( ) 3•1 month agoUgh, Reuters, I trusted you.
That’s the final graf of the story you linked to.
USSMojave ( ) English2•1 month agoBut you didn’t. You didn’t even read the article
blakenong ( ) English3•1 month agoThe fuck? I don’t wanna die working.
melp ( ) English2•1 month agoIdk… I am so mad at my asshole boomer in-laws, my shitty clueless friends (predominantly white but not completely), and even my partner and his bro friends that I’m just like… whatever. I think it needs to fall hard. These people are beyond rescuing. I am so sick of everyone. I don’t wish ill will on the rest of us, though. I’ve just run out of empathy for the majority.
Thevenin ( ) 1•1 month agoI won’t say that they’re too smart for that (lol), but this administration has been known to walk back major policy changes after powerful interest groups object. See also: H1B visas.