information technology, IT, internet, computer games i should check on my steam account steam steam power home heating power solar panel energy holy shit i need to do the dishes dishes dishes dishes i need a video to listen to internet stream speedrun game strategy fun oh where does the time go for bed now time for bed but the dishes will have to wait for am i forgetting something? i forgot what i forgot and can’t think but i think and i think and i think i want to sleep but sleep is hard while the thoughts keep i should practice my drawing i should work out i should go to sleep but what about all the things i can imagine myself doing someday when i can’t even do one thing at a time
Combativ ( ) English5•11 days agoI didn’t want to read it at first, but I kinda like it now. It was quite fun to read… and I can totally relate.
flughoernchen ( ) English5•11 days agoAt first I thought you should look into the formatting again, but the lack of line breaks kinda adds to the experience.
fxomt ( ) English2•11 days agoinformation technology, IT, internet, computer games i should check on my steam account steam steam power home heating power solar panel energy holy shit i need to do the dishes dishes dishes dishes i need a video to listen to internet stream speedrun game
This encouraged me to replay frostpunk and drg again. thank you for my daily reminder