• Yes, that is sad that in modern society all rich people, who have resources to make a big difference, are degenerates. And nice people who actually would like to make that difference are poor and simply cannot.

      • Musks resources could do.

        That’s the thing. That’s an oxymoron. One can’t have musks resources and be a good person. To get such resources, one has, by design, to be the kind of person who thrives in Capitalism. Evil.

        • There tends to be truth in that You do not get mega weathy without stealing the money from someone either legally or otherwise.

          Not all wealthy people are total crap though. Then there are those that were not great in thier earning years and then try to patch it up with philanthropy later.

          • Philanthropy has always been a way for the wealthy to whitewash themselves of the evil that made them wealthy. It’s never designed to actually fix the things they broke and the lives they ruined. Look into it’s history from its start with the robber barons. Look how bill gates is giving millions in philanthropy and yet “somehow” grows still more wealthy and controls immense amounts of agricultural land. It’s another capitalist ploy.

        • Exactly. Having obscene wealth means he already went through a sorting out process which shows without a doubt that he has some kind of mental problem like NPD, psychopathy, or sociopathy. Normal people when they get a few million bucks will start spending more time with their families, pursuing their hobbies, etc.

          • Political salaries are more or less caped. It is campain financing that is the issue and lack of IRV. It is also the lack of some term limits or maybe age limits. We have too many fossils in congress that have not brought younger people along, Also too many old presidents, In my lifetime Reagon, Biden. and Trump were too old.

            We also do not choose the best leaders Nixon was not capable at the end and Clinton was just inappropriate in the workplace those these were personnal issues. Then there is the question of which ones were even up to the job.

            •  sqgl   ( @sqgl@beehaw.org ) 
              4 days ago

              In Australia the politicians get token board positions, upon retirement, at the corporations whom they legislate in favour of.

              It requires trust: the corporation has to have a reputation in following through with these very indirect bribes years after the favor was done.

              Even if Renewables corps wanted to play the same game, they could not compete with oil and coal corps because they don’t have the connections, the scale for lucrative board positions or the reputation as “honest” crooks.

          • Maybe people can be corrupted. But I think it’s selection biases. If you’re the type of person to fuck people over to earn money (big buisness) or to seek power above others (politics), maybe you were corrupted in the first place? I mean it’s hard to make it in either of those without doing a lot of morally questionable stuff.

    • This is what capitalism does by design. Resources accumulate upward until some entity forcibly redistributes it (government, populous revolution, etc). It is a system that always leads to the detriment of the many for the vanity and power of the few it deems “winners.”

  • It is so weird that the article repeatedly acknowledges that this isn’t really unique and other companies and researchers are doing the same, but they’re only covering this one because it relates to Musk. What is it about Musk that makes every little thing he does “newsworthy”?

  • On the one had I’d love to be excited about the technology and on the other hand it is a privacy nightmare I know I will experience in my lifetime…

    When tech reaches a certain point of adoption it is no longer optional for anyone wanting to actively participate in society. Try going without a smartphone these days for example, I did for a few years and I struggled with paying some bills, paying in popup stores that used apps for payment, managing certain subscriptions, communicating in platform specific chat groups (this is something you do out of necessity more often than you’d think…). Eventually, not having some level of BCI will probably not be an option anymore.

    I really want to click things with my mind but I really don’t want people like Musk literally in my mind… Can I self host one? /s