The online incel community has taken a break from blaming women for their ongoing failures in life to issue a collective tantrum over Netflix’s new drama Adolescence, which dares—dares, mind you—to portray incel culture as the toxic, rage-filled echo chamber it so demonstrably is.
Monkey With A Shell ( ) English58•4 days agoIncel is such an oddly self reinforcing thing. As I recall it the term started as a self identification (I can’t get laid, there for am an involuntary-celibate), which ended up with these self ID people declaring someone else is at fault for their situation, then that attitude got so pervasive it became a given term (you can’t get laid BECAUSE you’re an incel).
Morphing of language and all, similar happened with ‘woke’. Either way, if these folks could comprehend a simple fact that the one person you can demand change of is yourself then maybe they could get out of that cycle.
Sundray ( ) English28•4 days agoIt is a sad story:
When Alana started a website for lonely people struggling to find love, she had no idea it would become linked to a community of hate and anger directed at women, which would ultimately lead to the deaths of several innocent people in her home city.
Monkey With A Shell ( ) English11•4 days agoI first heard of it with the 4chan R9K board, but I guess it goes back even further than that. I suppose it’s quite possible that by the time 4chan got a hold of the term that was at least the beginning of it becoming poisoned, or it may have already been taken over by that point.
3DMVR ( ) English7•4 days agoit wasnt even hidden it happened real time on the front page of reddit everyone once ina while ppl would crusade their sub and youd watch their opinions morph, they like banned woman and said femcels arent real the first time I saw it I think
Ghosthacked ( ) English13•3 days agoThe world doesn’t guarantee you anything.
In the history of our species, only about 20-30% of males have managed to reproduce, so what’s with the sad face?
You’re not entitled to anything, so own your inceldom.
DragonTypeWyvern ( ) English5•3 days agoI don’t think this guy has an anthropology degree
HalfSalesman ( ) English1•3 days agoIn a vacuum, your post implies we should stop giving birth to boys as often as girls on a pure ethical basis to minimize the amount of miserable lonely people. Like, abort 75% of all male babies or if abortion is too yucky for some of you use some kind of geneforge to make female births 5x as likely.
Robust Mirror ( ) English3•3 days agoHow on earth does that make sense? You’re just creating an extreme surplus of miserable lonely women.
HalfSalesman ( ) English1•2 days agoNote the “In a vacuum” and “implies”. Based on the idea that ~20-30% of men “reproduce”. Which isn’t really something I care about specifically to increase, but the implication is that most men are lonely while most women are not. And that men should just “own it” or whatever.
Taken at face value the solution isn’t that men just need to pull themselves up by their boot straps, this is a systemic problem that can’t be fixed by individualistic solutions.
If I remember correctly, there is research to strongly suggest that women also tend to be much happier alone than men are.
I am not surprised that I got so heavily down voted, but I am disappointed that I only got one reply. My intent was to spur some deeper discourse.
shekau ( ) English5•3 days agoThe life of an incel is very hard…
74 183.84 ( ) English3•3 days agoAnd to make it worse, you get no help with it
Jiggs ( ) English3•3 days agoIs it actually worthwhile or just another attempt to spark more conflict between men and women?
Because honestly I can hardly see as anything more than a way to profit off demonizing men that I assume already feel abandoned and, correct me if Im wrong, are not getting much support either
May I please get a summary on their take somewhere?
Troy ( ) English42•4 days agoNot the onion. Check any of the forums on reddit, like r/mensrights, and they’re furious indeed.
I had to explain to someone what the manosphere is, as a result of watching this show together. She had no idea that men were getting radicalized like this.
Lad ( ) English45•4 days agoImagine if the “manosphere” actually did things like raising awareness for testicular and prostate cancer, teaching men how to be good dads/husbands/sons, how to be financially sensible, how to build a career, etc. instead of blaming all their problems and all the world’s problems on women and feminists lmao
Troy ( ) English44•4 days agoThe current manosphere is basically a pipeline to the alt-right and additional radicalization. The distance between incel to proud boys is quite small.
The problem is that any attempt to make a pro-men group with any of the positive agendas you list will attract the same people as an audience that are already in the manosphere. And then you have the Nazi bar problem.
CheeseToastie ( ) English4•4 days agoYes, theres a massive link between incels and all kinds of hate. It’s horrible.
Fluffy Kitty Cat ( ) English25•4 days agoIronically feminism gets you closer to this than anything they’ve cooked up over a very long period of time
Kusimulkku ( ) English4•3 days agoI think there’s been a lot of room for this incel type stuff because not enough attention has been paid to the welfare of boys. It’s very common to hear how it started from the feeling that nobody cares.
Schadrach ( ) English4•3 days agoinstead of blaming all their problems and all the world’s problems on women and feminists
Sometimes it is their fault. Protests against equal custody laws, for example. Kentucky was the first state to pass one that required the judge in contested custody cases to start from the position that equal custody is best for the child unless there is a reason it might not be. The closest other states had gotten before that were laws that required judges “consider” equal custody as a possibility, as opposed to having to work from it as a starting point.
Ever seen the Big Red angry feminist meme? She’s a real person from Toronto and the meme started because she was protesting a talk on suicide in men at the University of Toronto by shouting a Jezebel article at the crowd, and if anyone tried to engage with her yelling “shut up fuckface!” or similar at them. A few different phrasings but she was fond of “fuckface” as an insult in particular. If you check out The Red Pill documentary (it’s creator did a Kickstarter to fund finishing it) one of the interviews is of Big Red herself.
The organization behind that talk on suicide in men later went on to found what at the time (and possibly still is though I haven’t checked) the only shelter for male victims of abuse in Canada.
Not the first such shelter, as that was Men’s Alternative Safe Housing which was founded by Earl Silverman and had to be run entirely on his own resources and private donations because he couldn’t get government funding for it because it was a men’s shelter and not a women’s shelter. Eventually he couldn’t afford to keep it going, and when he had to shut it down hung himself in the garage of his now-defunct shelter the day after he sold it.
CheeseToastie ( ) English2•4 days agoYep! And notice how you’ve been downvoted for saying that.
Lad ( ) English3•4 days agoWouldn’t know, my instance doesn’t show downvotes 😄
Radioactive Butthole ( ) English2•3 days ago CosmicTurtle0 ( ) English3•4 days agoI remember back when no shave November was kind of a meme thing and it was used for mens health awareness. It was so wholesome and awesome! But yeah the closest we have now is that guy on YouTube who does the Dad videos.
Schadrach ( ) English4•3 days agowhat the manosphere is
Literally coined by one person who wanted to lump all men’s spaces online together to sell a book. Later used to equate the worst incel, PUA, and redpill spaces with people who oppose circumcision, separated fathers who want to see their kids more, people who call out law or policy that’s biased against men either explicitly or in practice, etc in order to use the former to spite the latter by putting them in the same box.
You know, basically the thing that if you try to do with women’s groups you get responded to with “feminism is not a monolith.”
pr0sp3kt ( ) English1•3 days agoManosphere is bullshit the same way sorority is.
DragonTypeWyvern ( ) English4•4 days agoWell.
TheReturnOfPEB ( ) English23•4 days agoI had no idea that incel was a term that people used to self-identify.
I thought it was only a slur.
SkyeStarfall ( ) English6•4 days agoIt became an insult as a direct consequence of the incel community being as hateful and toxic as it is. As an insult term it doesn’t actually have anything to do with not getting sex at all
Kusimulkku ( ) English4•3 days agoAs an insult term it doesn’t actually have anything to do with not getting sex at all
Ehh some definitely use it to insult those who aren’t getting laid
Jo Miran ( ) English21•4 days agoAdolescence is an incredible and immersive experience. Stephen Graham deserves to be showered with awards for this. It’s all about the micro-expressions in his performance.
TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him) ( ) English6•4 days agoThe episode with Erin Doherty was amazing, the way her and Owen Cooper interacted was a roller coaster! And the fact they did the episodes as one continuous take blows my mind.
Jo Miran ( ) English5•4 days agoThat one was disturbing. The final episode just ripped my heart out though.
That show is in my very exclusive list of “Best Things I Can Never Watch Again”.
Naich ( ) English2•4 days agoI’m not sure it was one take. There were a few shots that looked very useful for editing purposes. Unless they were just save points which maybe didn’t get used?
TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him) ( ) English2•4 days agoThey did multiple takes yes, but each episode went with the best continuous take of the bunch, which makes that particular episode kinda insane with how much Cooper was oscillating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Naich ( ) English4•4 days agoOwen Cooper shines through for me, with an absolutely brilliant and nuanced performance. You expect Stephen Graham to be brilliant, but Owen should win an award for his work.
UltraGiGaGigantic ( ) English1•4 days agoI don’t have much free time to watch TV, but I’ll check it out.
Slam_Eye ( ) English10•3 days agoIncel tv show = scroll reddit
Kusimulkku ( ) English5•3 days agoSurely Reddit would be more like a book
Halosheep ( ) English2•3 days agoYou can watch a recording of someone scrolling through it and reading out the content.
CheeseToastie ( ) English10•4 days agoI dated an incel years ago for around 18 months. Dunno if anyone’s interested in that, but just a random anecdote I have
ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝 ( ) English8•4 days agoWhy? How?
CheeseToastie ( ) English19•4 days agoIt was before anyone had even heard of incels. He hid his women hating side, and I thought I could help him with his issues (spoiler: I could not). His sexual dysfunction was 😳😳😳 so I’ve no doubt he was sexually abused as a child. After we broke up he showed more of his true self like hating women and he was really petty and vindictive eg spreading really private info about me to people. From what I hear now he’s drinking heavily.
Years later I read about incels online and was like “holy shit that’s him!” Explained a lot.
ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝 ( ) English12•4 days agoOh, the ‘I can fix him’ special. Been there, done that, good on you to leave, you are worth more than that is all I can say.
CheeseToastie ( ) English8•4 days agoThanks mate and right back at you
arc ( ) English9•3 days agoObviously a parody site but Adolescence is a powerful drama worth watching.
ditty ( ) English8•4 days ago“This portrayal of the incel lifestyle and attitude is totally inaccurate! I think and act just like that guy and i’m not an incel…”
TheImpressiveX ( ) English7•4 days agoShe-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)
pr0sp3kt ( ) English2•3 days agoDude, how a useless piece of shit you have to be to not be able to even get a date with a woman. Dude, being ugly is not a complete excuse, ugly women have worse time in the dating scene.
Dunbar ( ) English3•3 days agoDude, how a useless piece of shit you have to be to not be able to even get a date with a man. Dude, being ugly is not a complete excuse, ugly men have worse time in dating scene.
pr0sp3kt ( ) English1•2 days agoTomato potato… There exists ugly people.
Montreal_Metro ( ) English1•4 days agoIt’s not a culture. Do they have their own songs and their own food and dishes? Maybe a folk lore or art?
PoPoP ( ) English2•3 days agoDo they have their own songs
Yes. The subgenre is called epunk or incelcore depending on who you ask. Let me be real with you for a second, and please just hear me out: It is the only genuine counterculture in decades. I could explain in much greater detail how this is true but it’s not worth the effort since practically everyone has unshakeable preconceived notions which make engaging with this topic in good faith impossible. Either way, here’s a short list of songs.
- Hard Christ - Cry My Eyes Out
- Hard Christ - Miscarriage
- DethTech - how it feels to be a complete loser
- NEET - Please be patient I have autism
- NEET - Defect
- crustsox - Put Myself To Sleep
- GEZEBELLE GABURGABLY - Nothing Ever Feels Right
- GEZEBELLE GABURGABLY - What’s wrong with my love?
- Fried By Fluoride - Dead by 30
- Fried By Fluoride - why am i not enough?
- Negative XP - Life’s an RPG and I fucked up my build
- Negative XP - Mkultra Victim
- Dumb as Rocks - Low IQ
The idea that incel culture begins and ends at hating women is beyond reductive. It’s about acknowledging a sense of utter hopelessness and the feelings that come with it- despair, dejection, paranoia, hatred, etc. There is hardly any other context where raw emotions are laid so bare without it being sanitized for compatibility with the status quo. They know that it’s misdirected, but the emotions are extremely real. If you pay attention, the music and the culture are a lot more self aware than you probably think. Everyone feels these things to varying degrees and more people are feeling it more intensely with each passing day. You know what I’m talking about. It’s not just politics and economics. The social fabric of our reality is disintegrating. Inceldom is a culture of people who feel this disintegration to the most extreme, agonizing degree, and have found some small solice in each other.
I don’t know why I typed so much. Whatever. Don’t hang me.
morrowind ( ) English3•4 days agoSubculture if you will