Always love when self agrandized authorities act like idiots. Feels like the box wine wins wine competition article.

I have a friend that does photo competitions. They say winning is more about knowing the judges than anything else.

  • I don’t understand the frustration. With all of the recent examples of people winning photo contests only to reveal later that their “photos” were made by AI, it’s only natural that judges grow paranoid of these things.

    As for your friend’s comment on photo competitions, that sounds like someone who’s butt hurt for not winning. I enter some photo contests ocasionally and I have yet to see one in which the winner hadn’t produced some pretty decent work.

    • Oh my friend wins lot of the time and does great work. They have also seen judges choose crap work too. So they know what to submit and not submit when certain judges are judging. It is a real thing.

  •  m-p{3}   ( ) 
    111 year ago

    Maybe that’s gonna push Apple to provide a mode where less post-processing is applied. Not the kind of stuff the average user will want to use, but at least having that option would be nice.

    • It definitely will be. Thousands of sci-fi writers warned us, but noooooo humanity has ZERO self-restraint. We’re already as good as gone, and not just because of AI. Climate mutilation, insatiable list for wealth at the expense of everyone, combined with AI. We are already as good as extinct. Fate accompli.

    • It’ll be our undoing in the same way that coke, cotton gin, the mechanical loom and transistors were our undoing; an extremely disruptive technology that will cause generations of upheaval and suffering before a new balance is found and something else is disrupting the balance.

  • Any photo could be AI at this point. Either you close the contest for good or you accept all contestants. Disqualifying on a hunch dismisses all semblance of credibility. I mean of course it looks off, that’s the point of the photo you silly judge.

    Only tangentially related, but… I can’t help but think this sort of constant paranoia is bad news. Step 1 of getting someone in a cult or into conspiracy theories is to suspend belief in commonly accepted information.

    • Yes fear. Fear that your skill and knowledge is no longer useful or you job no longer relevant.

      The thing I fear is the flooding of the net with crap well more crap then now. Also people actually believing the crap. Trusted information sources and authenticated people are the only way I know around that.