I usually trust my distro repos without checking. Can the same be applied to flathub without much worry?

  • I’ve never heard of anyone getting an unsafe package from flathub, but they certainly aren’t all as thoroughly vetted as stuff from a well maintained distro. Any major package is almost certainly fine, but if you’re downloading something obscure I’d use Flatseal to make sure it’s very well sandboxed, just in case.

    They’ve also recently added verified checkmarks to the website for flatpaks that are officially maintained by the developers of the app, so that’s another thing to look out for.

    • Needlessly reductionist, but also wrong. If your code is proven to work (like, machine verified), and you use a compiler that is also verified to generate correct code, then that code is secure.

  • Even disregarding the trust issues with Flatpak packages made by random people: Packages often contain versions of some libraries in order to not depend on the distro’s. If there are security vulnerabilities in a library then the distro maintainers usually fix it very quickly (if not go find a better distro) and it’s fixed for all packages on your system that depend on it. But this doesn’t apply to Flatpak where the package providers have to update the libraries in their own package - and the track record isn’t great. Sandboxing doesn’t help if that vulnerability leads to wiping your home directory.

  • At https://blog.frehi.be/2023/04/23/the-security-risks-of-flathub/ someone has published an article about Flathub in which he addresses a few problems.

    Therefore, the answer is that Flathub is not always safe to use. However, I do not know of any package source that is always safe to use. Is Flathub more insecure than other package sources? I can’t answer that because I don’t use solutions like Flatpak, AppImage etc. myself.

    • It’s more about trust, than security. When you use a specific distro, you only have to trust the distro packagers. These packages are reviewed by multiple persons, tested thoroughly and (usually) built in a reproductible way. The packagers are usually different from the developers, so they can also review the code itself and eventually patch issues if needed to be in line with the distro’s ideology.

      With flatpak, snap and friends, anyone is a potential packager, so for each software you gotta trust this single entity, which is usually the developer itself.

  •  bbbhltz   ( @bbbhltz@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    I think so. In some cases the flatpaks are prepared by the developers themselves. This isn’t in itself a sign of trustworthiness, but if a dev were to sneak malicious code in somewhere and it were found out… Well, the internet is the courtroom, and the public the jury, right?

    But, it is a piece of software, and you never know what one little dependency can do. Same can be said about repos.