Who’s playing it? What do you think? I play it a lot with my girlfriend (we got it one week after the release date). It’s definitely interesting because there’s so much overlap with Breath of the Wild (the main landscapes, many NPCs, the overall gameplay, etc.) but with many new mechanics (crafting, building vehicles, some new collectibles) and a more emotional/complex storyline. But it also feels a bit like a drag sometimes, because there’s so much to do and discover! And there isn’t always a clear path about what to do next.

Anyway, curious to hear your thoughts!

  • It’s a blast! It’s better than BOTW in every single way, the map and adventure feel completely flesh despite being the “same map”, the new abilities are great! I can see this being a great game to help kids develop their creativity.

  • I’m one of those people who thinks that BotW wasn’t ‘Zelda’ enough, and I gotta say, with it’s dungeons and bosses, as well as some other things, TotK has assuaged my concerns about the direction of zelda

    Imho it’s more fun than BotW, and fixes a lot of the problems I had with it

    It’s not my favorite zelda out there, but I beat it and am still playing and having fun

    I just wish Nintendo would come out with a new 2D zelda, but in the meantime I’m happy with this

  • I’m enjoying it so far.

    Sometimes the controls can be a little wonky and frustrating, but that might be unavoidable. Maybe this is just my “dopamine fiend” Gamer Brain talking, but I do wish the game were a little faster in some aspects. Not performance-wise. I just find myself saying/thinking “oh my god -.-” and/or “please hurry up” often. Like the mandatory Blood Moon cutscene - I’m glad we can skip it, but do we REALLY need it to play every single time there’s a Blood Moon? Come on. -.-

    Anyway, overall, I’m enjoying it. The world is beautiful and I love that there are seemingly infinite ways to solve the puzzles within Hyrule. I KNOW I’ve solved puzzles in ways that I CLEARLY was not meant to solve them with, lol.

    I just wish we could pet the dog!!! ;_;

  •  ryuko   ( @ryuko@lemmy.ml ) 
    31 year ago

    I’ve spent so much time roaming around the map that I haven’t even gotten to Rito Village. The sheer amount of verticality combined with the crafting mechanics make exploration really fun.

  •  d3Xt3r   ( @d3Xt3r@lemmy.ml ) 
    21 year ago

    And there isn’t always a clear path about what to do next.

    But that’s part of the fun of an open-world game, the freedom and the joy of discovering things on your own! I also like that the game doesn’t spam with you quests so you lose track of what you’re doing, unlike some other mainstream open-world games. BotW as bit too hands-off though, but TotK has struck the right balance IMHO.

    I’m about 100hours in and still enjoying it - can see myself playing this for at least 500+ hours I reckon.

  • Just to let everyone know: when you finish temples, you get powers that actually help you move around the map and do things. Even if you’re just messing around in Hyrule, the powers can occasionally be very helpful.

    Obviously, do what you like! :)

  • I like it so far. But I’m still in the very beginning, just discovering the new abilities. Which are awesome so far. Especially because I avoided (and still do) any video of the game.

    And it finally pushed me to finish BotW. Because there was always “one last thing” to do before I would go to the castle.

    The single negative aspect so far: they kept that horribly fast weapon breaking… I really hate it when games do that. It dempends my excitement when finding a new weapon.

    • I agree with the quick breaking of equipment! I’d also appreciate if I could use weapons and shields longer before they break. In general, there’s lots of management going on because the equipment slots are also very limited (at least in the beginning) – But at least it’s easier to drop things on demand when opening a chest now!

  •  taylus   ( @taylus@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 year ago

    Having lots of fun with it, trying to do as many shrines and side quests as I can before I finish the main story since I lost the motivation to do that after beating BotW.

  • I don’t usually play games at launch and wasn’t the biggest fan of BOTW so have held off. I don’t follow hype trains so does anyone have some pro’s and con’s of the game so I can decide if it’s worth picking up?

    At launch it was just getting 10/10 flawless masterpiece across the board so I didn’t bother reading it all.

    Otherwise I’ll wait for all the DLC to drop first.

  •  Yoreo   ( @Yoreo@lemmy.ml ) 
    1 year ago

    I played the hell out of BOTW, and am currently loving TOTK. I think I’m about 60 hours into TOTK currently, and have only done the rito village temple.

    I do have all the towers enabled, and have about 70ish shrines competed. I have all but one lightroot in the depths enabled too.