Anything good?

I’m hoping to get some time to play Return of the Obra Dinn if I could get any significant amount of time blocked off to game.

  • Decided to do my first play through of The Witcher. Never was a game that caught my interest, but so far I’m enjoying it. Not running any mods because I’m weird, according to my discord peeps.

  • I’m starting to play subnautica for the first time! I’ve heard good things but I’m finding the start a little slow, the loop hasn’t quite got me invested yet.

    Love return of the Obra Dinn. Hope you enjoy it!

  • Halfway through Dishonored 2 ATM and loving it - feels a bit slicker and more polished than the original which I also adored. The game had a lot of issues with motion sickness in the past which prevented me from experiencing it.

    •  Acala   ( ) 
      21 year ago

      Is the game enjoyable without playing the first one? Got it for free on PlayStation+ a few weeks ago but didn’t want to miss on important details.

      • Difficult to say what it’d be like as a newcomer as I’m quite familiar with the world and characters.

        The gameplay is slick as ever and I’d argue more fun than the first, but there’s not much of a tutorial at the beginning - a fair amount of assumed knowledge is implied.

        I’d say for the best experience, you should still play the first one as there’s plenty of throwback in the second installment’s story. They’re very much married in that respect.

        If you’re curious, the first one must be quite cheap these days and well worth it in my opinion.

  • I’ve just started The Dig which I fell in love with immediately. I’ve taken a little 20 year hiatus on adventure games but have got back into them this year.

    Being an old time-starved patient gamer, I very happily keep a walkthrough tab open for whenever I fancy it. Highly recommended if you want to experience some classic games to the end but skip the frustrations and wasted evenings.

    • Was probably my favorite game - let alone favorite adventure - when it came out. The music is fantastic, and so is the story. I remember some puzzles being a bit too goldbergian, but as you say, nothing that a walkthrough can’t alleviate.

  • ah, my favourite weekly thread!

    i’m playing Devil May Cry 5, i wanted to see what all the fuss was about action/gameplay-wise before starting FF XVI in a few weeks time (which I’m extremely hyped for!).
    i’m having a pretty great time with the game so far!

  •  DrQuint   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Pokemon Trading Card Game 2: Great Rocket Attacks. There’s a translation and I’m playing it on a retroconsole.

    It’s literally a “MORE OF IT!” sequel in the same engine to Pokemon TCG, except with twice the cards, a second island, and all of the old content is eventually available. They also improve on some AI quirks, and nearly all characters now have three portraits to show happiness and sadness. Also, the opponent decks are tremendously more well thought out (ez example: Electric users usually also have bird pokemon that resist the Fighting/Ground decks you’re going to bring against them) so you could pretty much see it as a full blown DLC Sequel. It’s also longer, way longer.

    I wish I had this game as a kid. I have no idea why they didn’t export it outside Japan. Pokemon Stuff was selling for truckloads between gen 1 and 2.

  •  azdle   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    Finally picked back up A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS, inspired by watching SGDQ, after dropping out of it so long ago that I don’t even remember how long ago that was. It’s a total blast, even if I’m struggling to figure out exactly what I’ve already done and need to be doing.

  •  Amsairl   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    I’ve been playing Warhammer on the Return of Reckoning server. It holds up pretty well for an older game, and the pvp is fun. I’ve also been playing a little Diablo 2 and 7 Days to Die, with a soupcon of Civ IV