I saw the recent API charge news with Reddit and saw that people were discussing alternatives to Reddit in the event we all have to abandon it.

Joined Lemmy here and noticed one of my favorite subreddits had no Lemmy equivalent — so I created it.

I have no desire to be a mod, so if anyone wants to take on that role just let me know.

I’m just hoping people do post here if they’re checking Lemmy out and seeing what’s available community-wise.

    •  subtex   ( @Subtex@lemmy.ml ) OP
      41 year ago

      I can wait for them to be runnable on Linux if not native (ie, via proton)

      Yeah the steamdeck has really helped in that regard thankfully.

      I’m running chimeraOS on my mini gaming pc in the living room and I’m always amazed at how I almost never need to check protondb anymore and just install games and they play fine.

  •  XLRV   ( @XLRV@lemmy.ml ) 
    111 year ago

    Nice idea to recreate the good communities that were nice on reddit, the most important thing is to have those subreddit equivalents, and people to participate and trying to makes those communities thriving.

    •  subtex   ( @Subtex@lemmy.ml ) OP
      171 year ago

      Agreed 100%

      It’s a bit of a bummer reading the reddit threads where some people are complaining about reddit alternatives not having millions of users. It’s sort of self explanatory (I thought) that nothing is a drop-in replacement for reddit right now because everyone is still just using reddit. You gotta start somewhere…

      •  XLRV   ( @XLRV@lemmy.ml ) 
        91 year ago

        Yeah, unfortunately that’s the hardest part, creating nice alternative is not the most difficult part (even if it still difficult), but to have enough users to make the platform interesting and “self sustaining” enough really is, and I think it is even harder now than the time when there was the same kind of “exodus” from Digg to Reddit (I wasn’t there for that though)

        • The difference with the Digg to Reddit exodus is that the two communities were rival competitors working in the same space. It wasn’t a case of one being a huge monolith that everyone used and the other being a small unknown, they were more evenly matched and reddit already had plenty of content and community, and neither were household names.

          The situation today is very different. If Lemmy takes off, which I hope it does, it will likely still be small compared to reddit. A bit like how young people are fleeing facebook for other platforms, but there’s still no platform actually displacing facebook.

          •  pushka   ( @pushka@beehaw.org ) 
            61 year ago

            The masses will always use some corporate pushed product ~ Lemmy may be like early days Reddit - a small community of tech ppl , then may grow and get better in the future with volume , but Facebook will probably never die because all ages (old) and non tech/agile ppl are using it now ~~

            • Does the Lemmy license prevent corporations running nodes? In fact, it doesn’t even have to be Lemmy.

              If you think about email, it’s widespread and used by everyone; but it is still mostly ruled by corporations (Google’s Gmail, Microsoft’s Outlook/Hotmail) for the average personal user. The protocol is open but the servers are run by different corporations each with their own UI. I’d guess there’s probably no reason we won’t end up like that some day, with some corporation creating a big social network with proprietary code, that happens to work well with ActivityPub so they have heaps of content and users on day 1, getting over that common initial social media hurdle (that none of your friends use it).

            •  Pigeon   ( @Lowbird@beehaw.org ) 
              1 year ago

              I don’t think it has to be that way. Like with Linux, I think there’s a set of UI and onboarding and accessibility and features problems that don’t get addressed well enough for it to draw in and work for a lot of people, but those are workable problems if enough people agree they’re problems and work on them.

              I tried Linux once. Mint, because it was recommened as the most user friendly and akin to Windows. Installing it at all involved following a detailed walkthrough and checking a hash using cmd. Then it turns out it doesn’t even have a colorblind filter mode - the most basic of accessibility features people can just expect from Windows. And the Linux forums were full of people who wanted to lord it ovee others and make fun of newbies and try to trick them into deleting their OS, rather than helpful peple. Linus Tech Tips did a good video on similar problems trying to use Linux as a newbie.

              This obviously isn’t near as bad as Linux in that regard, but still, it puts the fediverse thing forward first, and in a confusing way. It needs a clear, simple, stripped down onboarding just to get people in the gate, then if they want to stick around they can learn more later on.

              That said, Tumblr also has a shite onboarding and that’s doing pretty well these days, too.

              It’s worth it even if it never becomes the most popular, however. My favorite communities tend to be of middling size anyway. The disadvantage is the lower amount of hyper-specific communities that a giant userbase supports.

  •  DrQuint   ( @DrQuint@lemmy.ml ) 
    101 year ago

    You didn’t want to mod, but now you have the unfortunate task of figuring out who to make mod… OH NO! Anyways, I assume other instances probably had their own PatientGamers communities created, I wonder how to follow those.

    •  subtex   ( @Subtex@lemmy.ml ) OP
      111 year ago

      I assume other instances probably had their own PatientGamers communities created, I wonder how to follow those

      On the Lemmy.ml website communities search, you can specify whether to search “Local” or “All”. I assume that’s the difference between “On THIS instance” and “on ANY instance”.

      Searching for “Patient” there only shows this one, so maybe no one else created on on other instances yet?

        • Honestly, unless there’s a pressing need for different moderation policies and moderation teams, I don’t really see a need to reinvent the wheel and duplicate most communities across multiple servers. I think we’ll likely see user bases start gathering into the biggest communities for their particular interest and be pretty satisfied with it as long as the communities are being managed appropriately. Since it’s easy to create a community, I know people will do what they please, though, and there will ultimately be hundreds of “duplicate” 1 person communities scattered across all the servers lol

          • Yeah the Lemmy admins said that they want people to make new instances and such, but if Lemmy were to take off I think what we’ll see is reddit communities replicated on the main instance or a currently popular alt instance like beehaw. I’m personally waiting a little bit for my favorite subs to pop up here with alternatives because I don’t have the time to mod, but I fully expect them to show up on the main instance if they show up on Lemmy at all.

    • That was my first thought after being kind of bummed out that reddit pulled such a dick move. The thought of having smaller communities again is really nice. I was gravitating towards smaller subreddits anyways but a lot of times there just isn’t a smaller alternative or subreddits get a sudden influx of users leading to less discussions and more bad memes.

      •  subtex   ( @Subtex@lemmy.ml ) OP
        51 year ago

        but a lot of times there just isn’t a smaller alternative or subreddits get a sudden influx of users leading to less discussions and more bad memes.

        Yeah I hate that too.

        I don’t really want to make some official rules list for posting here though. I’d rather keep it self moderated by everyone here for as long as we can. If something is clearly causing negative feedback and people want it addressed we can do that.

        Let’s just cross our fingers that this place stays chill for a while 🤞

  • I’ve always valued the perspectives, reviews, opinions and recommendations of the members of r/patientgamers to help me find new gaming experiences.

    Thanks for creating this community.


    Over 90% of my Reddit access is through a 3rd party mobile app; the future for this is looking a bit bleak.

    I’m testing the waters of Lemmy in the unlikely event that the Reddit admins and the majority of users notice that it’s shooting itself in the foot with these changes to the API access policy.

  •  Unkechaug   ( @Unkechaug@lemmy.ml ) 
    511 months ago

    Love the patient gamers subreddit but considering this community is so large already, I think I might make this my new home regardless of what happens to the subreddit. I hope others decide the same, perhaps we can start getting some good recurring posts and organized content to kick start this place.

    In the meantime I’m gonna try and put forth some nice conversations in the comments.