My second read-through now and I’m loving them even more this time!

With the new Netflix season coming up I’m diving back in to the Witcher world (and loving every second of it!!)

  • Just started out on the first season of the show, only having played Witcher 3 before and not knowing much about the universe. I heard that only the first season or two are worth watching and considered looking into the first book if I get the chance. What would you recommend?

  • I’ve been listening to the audiobooks as an incentive to go running. As great of a job Peter Kenny does, I wish it was a more effective method of motivation!

    I’ve got about an hour left of Time of Contempt and really enjoying it.

  • I really need to get back to those books. I finished Baptism of Fire around December and really enjoyed it, then got busy with a few other books. I always need to get in the right headspace to read some of the names (for me, the Polish roots of many of the proper nouns slow me down initially), and though I know I always get the hang of them, Sapowski does always intimidate me a little at first.