Whos excited for it? The prices are ridiculous but the card reveals have been pretty cool so far. Hoping they add more dwarves than have been shown

  • The cards have been very flavorful and exciting. I’m curious how it’ll be as a draft experience considering most Universes Beyond sets seem designed for Commander, so it’ll be a bit of a change of pace. Although I know it’s heresy, I am actually more excited for the Doctor Who set later this year since I’m weirdly obsessive about that franchise.

    Magic-wise though I’m still really curious where things are going to go post-MOM, and this set has nothing to say on that.

    • Here’s the issue I have with both the LOTR and Dr who sets, as well as the 40k set, which comes from my inexperience probably (only been playing about 4 years). Will these sets both just be legal forever minus a few cards they might ban? I feel like if wotc adds too much 3rd party IP it could dilute the lore/universe they’ve made, no?

      Also, im very curious story wise where it goes after MOM. I want Ajani to pop off now that he’s healed and get some more sweet lifegain cards printed (I started during the heliod/ajani meta on arena)

  • I actually like LOTR, read the books, Silmarillion, the whole shebang (has been a while though). I am not a fan of the Universes Beyond stuff but I thought I might give the LOTR set a go.

    I saw the previews and was just not excited at all. I am wondering myself why that is. I just do not care for other IPs in Magic, it doesn’t do anything for me. Also not being Standard/Pioneer legal is a turn off. I am going to skip this one I think.

    Edit: I didn’t even look at the pricing before writing this comment - jeez.

  • I’m splitting a set booster box with a friend of mine who’s a little into Magic and a lot into LotR. The prices are whack and while I normally go out of my way to support an LGS, the price on Axiom was about double that of Amazon. I’m just hoping for some Modern-playable stuff

    • I’m a giant LOTR nerd (is there a community here for that?). I wanna buy a collector box but thats too much. And if I went the draft route I’d just stare at the cards for too long lol. Maybe precons will be the best bet

  • I wouldn’t say I’m super excited for it, but there are some singles that I’m really looking forwards too. Aragorn, the Uniter in particular looks like a fun 4c (sans black) Commander option, and some of the Sauron cards look fun too. I’ll probably buy singles and maybe a fat pack if I’m feeling like it, but no box sets for me.