• I’m definitely looking at getting one, but I’m a homeowner and will have a dedicated space to charge it. I’d be very hesitant if I rented and didn’t have a place to plug it in every night, would probably look more towards hybrids.

  • Without a dedicated spot to charge, I would not recommend getting an EV currently. A plug-in hybrid is as far as I would recommend since you an always fallback to gas if you don’t find opportunities to charge.

  • Friends of ours just got their first EV a few months ago, and are able to charge at home so it’s totally fine. Or at least it was, until their first long-distance trip in the thing last month.

    It wasn’t so much the fact that they had to stop three separate times on the drive to charge, it was that the facilties just weren’t enough for the demand. Despite us being in the UK, specifically England, the stereotypical English love of orderly queuing apparently went out the window and there were people pushing into queues and letting their friends in after them. A half hour charge time turned into more like 90mins trying to just actually get at a charger.

    Since you can’t really stop people being terrible, the only solution to this is going to be a LOT more available charging points in convenient locations.

    • Yeah - this was my concern when I looked for my last car. The availability of charging stations is still not perfect everywhere, and in my case I use my car for when I do long trips out of the city, and just my feet/an electric scooter when inside.

      So, went something efficient for now, but next vehicle I’d definitely like to consider an EV, so hopefully by then the network is larger. In Western Canada though, so distance between cities is pretty far.