Everybody has a favorite Pokémon/Evolutionary line. Who’s yours, and why?

Mine has to be Totodile! I love the whole evolutionary line, but Totodile is hands-down my favorite Pokémon. My first ever Pokémon games was a copy of Pokémon Gold with a broken internal battery; it couldn’t store save data. On long road trips, my sister and I would pack the GameBoy Colour and Pokémon Gold. We would pass the GameBoy back and forth between stops, getting as far as we could before we had to turn off the GameBoy. Whenever we inevitably had to restart and pick our starter again, Totodile was always my choice. I’ve got lots of great memories from that game, even if we could never save our progress.

Who’s your favorite Pokémon, and what’s the story behind it? First starter, clutch battler, best design?

  • Favorite Pokemon is by far Rowlet. It’s just so round and cute! It was an instant hit for me when the Alolan starters were revealed and at this point I’ve spent thousands of hours with my first Rowlet/Decidueye using it for SOS chaining.

    • Solid choice! Rowlet and co. is probably my favorite of the S/M/US/UM starter lines. Popplio is a veeeeery close second. Litten was in a very strong position when the starters was announced. Of the Basic Stage starters, Litten is probably my favorite. Torracat is alright. I can’t stand Incineroar. I understand it’s inspirations and think the design is objectively well executed, I just… I got myself too excited for a good fire cat, and Incineroar fell short of my expectations, lol.

  • Got 2 favourites .

    • Infernape : Mainly due to nostalgia since chimchar was my first starter and I was blown away (at that time) by how cool infernape looks , his stats are really balanced and moveset is also great .
    • Flygon : While I agree that garchomp is better , i still have a soft spot for flygon , I love his design . I wish it could’ve gotten a mega tho :')
  • I think it’s the Poliwag line for me, it’s a cute design and its evolutions are solid Pokémon too. If I had to pick just one Pokémon to use in any Pokémon game it’d be Poliwhirl for sure.

    Not Politoed. Politoed can get in the bin.

    • Okay, Poliwag/Poliwhirl are fantastic Pokemon. I have to know, what makes you say Politoed can get in the bin? Not that I disagree.

      My sister-in-law told me my baby looked like Politoed (referring to her hair, she had a little curly-q on top of her head when she was born) and I told her that if she ever wanted to see her niece, she needed to take that back that instant. Lol!

      • I think it’s because it was added later and looks completely different to the rest. It’s not a bad design at all, and if it were a standalone Pokemon I’d probably even like it. Unfortunately for Politoed it isn’t.

        • I don’t think Politoed makes sense as a standalone Pokemon, personally. Besides, we have too many single-stage Pokemon that get forgotten and overlooked at the time, anyway… I think Politoed would make a great regional variant! With a couple minor design tweaks, I could see it as Alolan Poliwhirl or something… Though I guess “forked evolution introduced in later generations” was kind of regional variants before regional variants were a thing.

  • I love original Raichu because I feel no one loves him. He’s forgotten boi, replaced by his cuter cousins Pikachu and all of Pikachu’s clones. After that is Meowth and Mewtwo because they had personality and backstories in the anime. Butterfree. Aggron. Rattata. Eldegloss, Cramorant and Slowbro. Wooper. Victreebel. I used to dislike some of the stupider/uglier looking pokemon but they’ve grown on me. Like Bidoof.

    I like most of the bug pokemon. The original starters and Cyndaquil, Totodile, Mudkip, Treeko. After Gen III I took a break for a long while.

  • The Machamp line is the first one that comes to mind for me. My dad bought a two player starter set from the early years of the trading card game. The only 3 stage evolution in that set was the Machamp line. I always like to play that line in the tcg for game boy too. Machoke is my fav but I love them all.