I’ve dabbled with Linux over the years, first with Ubuntu in the early 2010s, then Elementary OS when that dropped, and a few years ago I really enjoyed how customizable the gui was with Xubuntu. I was able to make it look just like WIndows 2000 which was really cool.

Which current distro has the best GUI, in your opinion? I find modern Ubuntu to feel a little basic and cheap. I guess I don’t really like modern Gnome. I’m currently using Windows 10 LTSC which is probably the best possible version of Windows, but I’d jump to linux if I could find a distro with a gui that feels at least as polished and feature rich as Windows 10 LTSC.

  •  pfr   ( @pfr@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 months ago

    Distro is irrelevant. DE/WM choice is all that matters as far as GUI goes. Also, if you want a GUI that looks or feels like windows then KDE probably has you covered in that you could probably customise it to mimic windows.

    I quite like the Desktop Environment in elementaryOS. I think it’s called Pantheon Desktop? It’s very polished. Or InstantWM from InstantOS is also interesting and has some nice animations and effects.

    Personally, I use simple and minimal Openbox

    • Yes, exactly. haha, the distro has nothing to do with the GUI. That’s your Desktop Environment. On almost every single popular distro you can get teh same DE’s either through official offerings or community versions.

  • You can use most desktop environments on most distros.

    If a distro has its own GUI and it doesn’t exist on other distros, usually that means either it isn’t free software or it’s not good enough that anyone has bothered to package it for other distros.

  • The real question is what Window Manager has the best GUI… you can run any window manager on any distro - it just takes a little work.

    If you’re talking about out-of-the-box without any user customization, I’ll make a couple suggestions that I think work for new Linux users - not that I’m saying you’re green, but most power users know they can fully design the OS from the ground up if needed.

    PopOS - In between - GNOME-like with some PopOS customizations under the hood.

    ElementaryOS - MacOS-like WM thats clean fresh and easy to understand

    Mint - Cinnamon DM, Windows-like with some customization possible

    •  Link   ( @Link@lemmy.ml ) 
      311 months ago

      Although KDE is windows like out of the box, it is really customizable without the need of addons, which I like. The Gnome addons can be really cool, but in my experience they can make the desktop less stable and often get abandoned.

      • This can’t be understated, when I started using linux it was on gnome and everything worked great, I installed plugins and it still worked fine at first but then everything started breaking

        I’ve heard people complain about KDE stability but as far as I can tell they are old complaints that aren’t relevant anymore, becouse while for me things kept breaking after I used plugins on gnome, on KDE I customized the hell out of it and then almost a year later, and several major updates, and still no issues

  • Distro? Probably Debian, because it has all the desktop environments. If you want, you can have Plasma, Gnome, Xfce, Cinnamon, and MATE all installed at the same time and switch between them at will. Most distros seem focused on one specific DE, which if I’m not mistaken means switching to another involves reinstalling the whole operating system.

    The big downside of Debian is that the software in it tends to be very out of date. You’ll get security updates and the occasional bug fix between Debian releases, but that’s about all you’ll get.

    You can get a rolling-release experience by running the “unstable” version, but as the name implies, upgrades will sometimes fail or break something, and you need to know your way around the system in order to recover from that. Not a problem if you want to learn to be a Linux sysadmin anyway, but if you want your system to Just Work™, then unstable Debian is unfortunately not for you. It’s a trade-off, as with most things in life.

  • I don’t see why distros should be married to a specific GUIs. Any distro can support any number of GUIs. It just seems like a huge waste of effort to make a distro just to support one GUI.

    I would encourage people who want to implement their unique vision for a GUI to make their effort easily packagable by any distro and to work with an existing community distro to make their work available widely.

  • This is subjective. For me, anything with Mate as desktop environment. Currently using Ubuntu with it.

    I’m a conservative user. I don’t really care about whistles and bells, nor appeal to novelty. I want something that works and that I’m used to.

  • You can change the DE (desktop environment) as you like but I really like Budgie from Solus. My daily driver is Plasma and find myself on openSUSE Tumbleweed. It’s by far the most crash-free and freeze-free experience I’ve had while using Plasma. Note: Installing Nvidia Drivers is at your own risk, though.

    • I’m currently quite happy with i3, but would really like to check out Wayland.

      currently the support for barrier/synergy (controlling multiple computers with one keyboard/mouse) seems to be not there - although I saw something about a workaround with the newest synergy version.

      would you be so kind to give me some other reasons to hold back?
      Anything else that sucks in the new world?

      • I have never used Synergy , but with sway which is built on top of wayland. I can use multiple monitors and it works great for me. I don’t really have a need for multiple computers since I use libvirtd (VirtualManager) and host multiple OS’s and share directories between different systems.

  • I just switched to Fedora 38 with KDE and it’s been great! It’s using Wayland now too, so it’s been really smooth and stable. My last distro was Manjaro with KDE, but I started having issues with the lastet round of updates and wanted to switch to something more stable. I really don’t like gnome as it feels to “basic”. Sure it looks nice, but for me it feels like it’s missing some important features that are just there with the default KDE layout.