What do you think about that?

Content is needed to get more users

  •  Lohrun   ( @Lohrun@beehaw.org ) 
    1211 months ago

    Bots potentially might be effected by the API changes coming in a couple weeks. Personally, I think we could benefit from a few utility bots like AutoMod, AutoTldr, RemindMe, WikiLink. (None of those would rely on Reddit either)

    If we wanted bots to automatically bring in content, we should just pull news/posts directly from sources instead of going through Reddit. I could totally see something like an NPR bot.

    We just have to be careful with the bots that push content to the site here. We don’t want to flood communities and dilute where discussions are happening. I’ve looked at some other Reddit alternatives and they’ve done that to themselves. They might have tons of recent posts but they all have 0 to 1 comments on them with no other engagement.

  •  RadDevon   ( @RadDevon@lemmy.ml ) 
    811 months ago

    Could this not paint a giant target on whichever instance these “cross-posts” ended up on? Reddit does not claim ownership of your content, but they might decide to go after Lemmy on behalf of the original content creators to defend their content rights as a way to attack Lemmy by proxy, assuming Reddit decides Lemmy is a threat. (IANAL, so I have no idea if this is actually possible.)

    I say we just let Lemmy be Lemmy and not try to make it into Reddit 2. I’m enjoying the content on here more than anything I’ve seen on Reddit since the early days. I’d love to keep it that way.

    •  Rentlar   ( @Rentlar@lemmy.ca ) 
      511 months ago

      Seconded. Let Lemmy be Lemmy, users can link to Reddit if something worth discussing is going on there. But reposting Reddit content onto Lemmy wholesale using scripts is a waste of server resources, and devalues the contribution Lemmy users make to Lemmy communities.

  •  teruma   ( @teruma@beehaw.org ) 
    11 months ago

    I don’t think I’d like to see pre-population of content, but I think preemptively opening topics for some of the more popular subreddits would help people organize more quickly.