Just saying, 6 different types of boots on KotL may not be optimal…

  • Boots of Bearing + Greaves + TP Boots weirdly is one of my go to build if the games goes late as support. When a fight broke and you are not first target, just activate both boots when your carry arrives at the scene. Both boots also good at pushing hg too.

    Bristle Veil + Aghs. Especially against illusion heroes like PL and CK before they get 5-6 slotted. That 6 second difference can be the end of your supports or not.

    Abba carry, with Echo Sabre + Orb of Venom in midgame. Universal heroes have high damage output can snowball you if opponent do not have evasion or blink.

  • I enjoyed a lot Riki supp in the last patch, so I miss dart so much and the first thing I thought is to buy atos first item as pos 4…it actually works pretty well if your team doesnt need something else as soon as possibile. Nothing comparable to dart but upgrade to glepnir in late game feels pretty good.

  • blademaster build, i’ve done it on several heroes in turbo but have only fully completed it maybe once or twice

    -sange & yasha -yasha & kaya -sange & kaya -manta style -heaven’s halberd

    last item depended on the patch, sometimes silver edge (when it was built from sange), sometimes bloodstone (when it built from kaya, but i don’t think i ever completed that build), and currently it’s ethereal blade

  • I played Witch Doctor mid buying zero regen and rushing Midas. I actually crushed my lane. People always get caught off-guard against early high-level Maledict.

    I also recently hard-committed to a pure strength Morphling. The game went on forever and I was actually able to make some big plays pushing people out of their base. We wouldn’t have won the game without me finding a Book of the Dead though.

  • A long time ago, we were four stacking and came across a super toxic SF. We were probably around Archon rank at the time, and so my friend and me accidentally both built mech. SF notices this and begins to flame us. We were already losing at that point so we decided we may as well just all buy mech to fuck with him.

    Best part is, we started winning. SF went from pretty active BM to being pretty quiet. I can’t remember if he eventually quit the game or not, but I do know it was the most satisfying win ever and the “build” I’ll remember most
