What’s everyone reading? I’m on book 10 of the Wheel of Time, and Creatures of Light and Darkness by Alan Dean Foster

  • Lately i had read “American Gods” by Gaiman, despite not really liking this author. Surprisingly it came off quite ok. First half of the book was tedious slog but when they stopped travelling around the american nowheres and meeting lumpenized mythological characters it started to be quite interesting. Though that book should be named “Unamerican Gods” for at least two reasons.

      • Yes i know, but the second reason of them being unamerican was that when they at the end gathered for battle, just after the first blows fall, they were actually convinced to not bloody murder eachother just by words, something supremely unamericanly which afaik never happened for the Usians and especialy not when they had opportunity to kill other people.

        I had read the Good Omen which he wrote with Pratchet and i don’t remember details at all, but i was reading Pratchett at the time and i concluded it’s very boring for Pratchett so it probably was Gaiman fault, the guy is just not good with humour or maybe it was so specific it whooshed past me (though i do get most of Pratchet one), observation that was confirmed by other his books i read, top class writer workshop, but pretty boring. I also read “The Graveyard book” which was good but had the typical uninspired fairy tale ending. And finally his “Norse Mythology” which i found to be very similar but slightly inferior in every aspect to the classical Roger Lancelyn Green verson.

  • I read wheel of time book 10 recently. I read the first 10 books or so when they originally came out, but kind of gave up on the series at that point. During Covid I decided to make my way through the series and actually read to the end this time.

    So far its kind of both better and worse than I remembered. Some of those middle books were less dull than I remembered, but also in the intervening 20 years I have read a lot more, including a lot more fantasy, and Wheel of time comes off a bit pulpy now. I don’t think if these books were to release today that they would get nearly the same attention they did in the 90s.

    • Second Mistborn series is imo better than first, probably because he learned a lot about writing in the meantime (and he actually listened to the readers after first), though it have very different feeling, instead of grimdark struggle story you get something closer to steampunk victorian detective.

      By that author i can also recommend his debut novel “Elantris”, still my favourite of his books, or Warbreaker, something pretty original and with surprising turn of action and Rithmatist, scholomance genre but actually good.

  • I’ve just finished my… 6th? read of the Stormlight Archive. They’re my comfort books that I tend to grab when I’ve finished a book and don’t yet know what to read next. I’m definitely open to some new suggestions, especially unknown books by indie authors that I otherwise wouldn’t come across.

  • Currently reading The Journey to the West, by Wu Cheng’en and translated by Anthony C. Yu. I’m at very beginning and it’s pretty challenging but that might be because English is not my native language. I’m liking it though.

    • Hey, super proud of you for getting outside your comfort zone. Learning a new language is legitimately hard. I’ve been supposed to be learning Japanese for almost 2 years now…but it just won’t stick.

      If you want/need an explanation of something, message me on lemmy or matrix, I’ll do me best 👌

  • (Audiobooks) I’ve recently finished book 2 of the Mistborn series - The Well of Ascension. Otherwise i’m trying to get myself through book 2 of the Temeraire series - Throne of Jade. I’m torn, it may be that the narrator is killing it for me, or there’s just not enough action for a dragon based story.

  • I’m a little embarrassed but I’ve been reading Ruination by Anthony Reynolds. Its a league of legends book and I have a love/hate relationship with league. I’m almost halfway through and I’ve been enjoying it so far.

    Before that I had finished Book of the Night. I thought it was shmeh but it was good enough to finish!

  • Currently reading A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie. Been a while since I read the other books in the same universe, but I guess my memory ain’t that bad yet that I can’t pick up the pieces. Enjoying this.

    • just finished the three of them! A pity we don’t have spoiler tags because I’d like to go on about it for a bit. Suffice it to say, I had some feelings about some things. I also enjoyed some parts very much. Don’t you agree?