Do you buy rent or borrow? Or do you have a subscription of some kind? Do you read physical books or do you read ebooks?

  •  mycus   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    libgen, anna’s archive, scihub if I’m feeling academicky. So I guess renting eh?

    used to have a kindle pw2 but nowadays I just read stuff through koreader or mupdf on a smartphone

  • My library is huge, I don’t have enough shelf space for all of my physical books, and on my ebook reader, I have a big kindle, humble bundle and bookfunnel library. I also have an offline ebook library.
    I probably don’t have enough time in my life to read all the books I want to read.

    So I’m now pretty picky on what books I’m going to buy, rent, ‘steal’ or borrow.

  • I love physical books and rely mostly on my local library, on donation boxes, and sometimes on my local bookshop.

    I also love ebooks, so if I’m not 100% sure I’ll enjoy a book I usually get it on libgen, and then if I’ve liked it enough that I want to (literally) showcase it and pass it around to my friends, I go to my local bookshop and get the paper version.

  •  Limeade   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I usually check them out from my library through Libby or on my Kobo reader. I just read e-books these days because my library is a bit far away and not open very often. When I lived in a bigger city, I liked to wander around the library and pick out things that caught my eye on the shelves.

  • Mostly borrow ebooks from the public library. There is a small new-and-used bookstore near me, one of those classic “open 3 hours a day, more if we feel like it” ones. Very fun to go wander the shelves when I want a physical book.

  • I’m pretty much 100% Kobo for my reading these days, and am not averse to buying things when they’re on offer on Amazon then stripping off the DRM. I’ve had my library account attached to it in the past, but moved recently, so need to re-register with my local library.

  •  courts   ( ) 
    51 year ago

    I buy books as epubs and read them on my Tolino Epos. Buying is a no-brainer for me because if you think about it, the hours of entertainment / price ratio is insanely good with books. Paying between 5-15€ for a book here in Germany is less than I pay for a good meal.

  • I have two apps for borrowing books, one for Finnish and one for English books (Ellibs and Libby). Weirdly the Finnish one sucks balls and literally has like 100 fantasy books in total. I don’t read a ton but I do take a gander at stuff to borrow on occasion. I can sync the borrowed books with my Kobo e-reader which is nice. Then I also use the Kobo store to buy books, but my god their app is terrible. Bad enough that I groan when I need to browse books in there. I don’t really read physical books but it has been tempting to start browsing libraries as I have two within walking distance. Perhaps during summer.

    Haven’t really found a good place to find new books. It is mostly though reddit. I know people use Goodreads but eh, for some reason it does not appeal to me that much.

  • i rarely buy physical books as i like reading during breaks or when im waiting on something and its not always feasible to have a book with me i buy books when they are available for a price that will not bankrupt me as a book thats 10 dollars is around 50 ron wich in my opinion is far too much especially as i need money for other things otherwise i simply pirate them

  • I read everything via the library first, unless it’s an author that I am absolutely positive that I will enjoy everything they write. I’ll borrow ebooks or physical books, depending on which will be available faster. Then, if I absolutely love the book and I’m sure I will read it again, I’ll buy a physical copy for my shelf.

  •  boetro   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    I usually use Libby for most of my books, unless I’m in the middle of a series and have to have the book now.

    I don’t read a ton of physical books. I kind of like getting physical books as “collectors items”, if I really like a book I’ll try to find a nice hard cover copy of it.