Hi all! I bought a used Steam Deck 2 weeks ago and I am loving it! I am playing Fallout 4 on it and it works amazingly good!

So, what is your choice when you finish playing?

I put the Steam Deck to sleep and the next day the battery was 7 percent lower than before. I am thinking of just shutting it down so it doesn’t drain battery in sleep mode.

    • Same here. Although if I feel I might pick up playing on my PC later, I’ll exit the game so it syncs to Steam Cloud.

      I have had a few instances of Vampire Survivors resuming with weird audio glitches. No gameplay problems though, so not a huge deal.

      • I would probably do that more if I played on my PC much these days, but as is it’s more convenient to just pit it to sleep

        Though yeah, that doesn’t apply to games that break in someways when asleep

        Though out of curiosity, do you use the pause games plugin to make games auto pause when the deck goes to sleep? If not that might fix it

  • The point of the thing for me is frictionless access to games. Even more than the portability.

    If i can switch it on and play a game while the water boils, then the deck has made my life better. If i had to turn it on full boot + launch the game and wait for 3 loading screens with promts to continue in the middle. I would not ever bother playing it.

  • Started off putting it to sleep all the time, but would sometimes not play for a few days and find the battery drained. Switched to shutting it down most of the time, except for when I am out/traveling or know I will be picking it back up to play within the hour.

  • Just let it sleep. Booting up will require more and you miss out on the instant wake feature to continue where you left off. 7% is a bit excessive, maybe reinstall it fresh from a factory image to be sure.

  • It depends. If I know I’ll be picking it up to play again from where I left off in a few hours, I will put it to sleep. But if I’m done for the day, I will shut it down.

    I’ve had some issues getting it to turn on from sleep mode though, so tend to shut it down more than put it to sleep.

  • i’ve been having issues where the device would be unresponsive when waking it up from sleep (either during a game or in desktop mode) and the only option would be a hard shutdown, so i’ve become wary of sleep mode.
    i’m still using it 90% of the time, but i make sure to save my progress beforehand.