• I literally just signed up for lemmy after reading this post on reddit. I’m ready for reddit to crash. Decentralized apps seem like the way to go. It seems super short-sighted on Reddit’s part to be basically extorting all these 3rd party apps that are super popular.

        • Exactly! For the first 5 seconds, I was pissed that I couldn’t send a reply with Ctrl+Enter, but it just reminded me of the good old days of being part of and building a community from scratch and I love it!

    •  DrQuint   ( @DrQuint@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 year ago

      Unfortunately, I doubt Reddit would crash. I don’t think these online protests have much sway anymore. Twitter’s definitely didn’t. And ironically, Lemmy might crash a couple times with going over user capacity…

      Either way, we ought to work to avoid it. Chop chop, people, content, we need content! Lifeblood of link aggregators is people having topics.

      •  liara   ( @liara@lemmy.ml ) 
        191 year ago

        I think the thought of major subs going private out of protest has them at least a little worried. Worried enough to try to backtrack on the changes that will affect moderators to “give them more time”, but only if they don’t participate in the blackout.


        Sounds a lot like threatening at this point (and who knows if they’ll follow through with their promises if even one sub goes dark), which ironically is the same thing they accused the Apollo dev of doing to the Reddit team.

        • Worried enough to try to backtrack on the changes that will affect moderators to “give them more time”, but only if they don’t participate in the blackout.

          How would that even work though? Say Sub A participates in the blackout while Sub B doesn’t, if they backtrack and don’t start charging for API access how would they reward Sub B while excluding Sub A? Also this all depends on 3rd party apps continuing to operate to even allow these mods to use them for moderating purposes so if Apollo and Sync shut down, there’s nothing reddit can do to change or delay their closure since they aren’t controlled by reddit. Sounds like a bunch of desperate, empty promises on reddit’s part.

          •  liara   ( @liara@lemmy.ml ) 
            1 year ago

            Oh I absolutely agree that it sounds like empty, desperate promises on their behalf at this point. I think it’s safe to say (given the OP) that Reddit has ruined every ounce of credibility and good-will they may have had as a result of their lies and backtracking. I wouldn’t trust them one bit with their attempts at garnering more good-will at this point.

      •  blitzen   ( @blitzen@lemmy.ml ) 
        151 year ago

        Twitter’s definitely didn’t.

        I don’t know… 50% of their top advertisers have left, and their advertising income is down 60%. I’m no longer there, so I can’t speak to overall user engagement, but with their revenue cratering, I’m not sure how long it is destined for this world.

        •  FaceDeer   ( @FaceDeer@lemmy.ml ) 
          101 year ago

          Even if Twitter and Reddit don’t completely crash like Digg did, making them “just one among several” will be a good thing in the long run. They’ll actually have competition for a change.

      • The thing about social media sites is that they never truly and permanently die, they just slowly languish into irrelevance.

        MySpace still exists for example, as does AOL, Tumblr, and yes, DIGG… However to say they are shells of their former selves would be an understatement.

        It took 5 years after Facebook opened up to the general punic for MySpace to fall to the point of having to sell out to another company. We are still in the early days when it comes to seeing if Musk will effectively kill Twitter.

        If reddit starts to die we won’t notice for quite some time. We will at most see waves of people leaving months or years apart and then one day reddit will just find itself basically forgotten about.

      •  nvts   ( @neavts@feddit.de ) 
        1 year ago

        There is a thing, twitter has already had an okay and quite usable official app alongside third party apps. Reddit official app is buggy as hell and not very intuitive. I think too Reddit will survive, but I think the quality of content is going to go down since many power users were using third party apps.

        But for Reddit officials that wouldn’t be a problem since they don’t care for quality but for engagement.

        • I think this is the point that will be a negative for the remaining users AND something that Reddit doesn’t care about. Good quality content will slowly stop going there… but the repost bots and other shit reposts will continue, allowing people to continue to consume content. Which is the real reason Reddit is doing all of this. 3rd party apps allow their users to bypass advertisers, which have noticed or complained and Reddit has to squash it.

      •  laxe   ( @laxe@lemmy.world ) 
        11 year ago

        For me, Lemmy is quality over quantity since I’ll interact with like-minded people - aka the users that care enough to move away from reddit.

        It’s not all about numbers.

    •  oranges   ( @oranges@lemmy.ml ) 
      161 year ago

      I’m one of those that nuked my Reddit account too… Was a Boost user for many, many years. Tens of thousands of contributions in the way of posts and comments and this move by them was the straw that broke the camel. The place is a shell of what it was in the early days sadly. Year by year it’s seemingly declined.

      I’m done with it and moving on to pastures a new :)

      So far, I’m really impressed with Lemmy !

    • It’s the curse of VC funding. Companies love the cash injection, but it inevitably is followed by the demand to quadruple revenue and extract every ounce of capital out of the product. VCs destroy good products for capital. I’m glad to have discovered Lemmy and I hope the general Fediverse world of web applications continues to spread and get more of a foothold. It’s way better for users in the end.

  • is facebookification a word? I am so sad to see this happen as a long time user of Reddit, been on there for…god, 11 years according to my profile awards. I see a lot of people saying this is the end of Reddit but I have to disagree, it is more like a new age. Reddit will now only be used by people who are fine with getting absolutely fucked with ads and close to nil moderation. I imagine it will be a husk of what it once was - it’ll look the same but I’m sure it will just be repost land. It wasn’t hard to see this coming, but I can’t help but feel a sadness.

    Do I need to go outside more? Probably.


    •  Gray   ( @Gray@lemmy.ca ) 
      1 year ago

      With the Fediverse slowly gaining steam, I’ve been thinking a lot about the structural problems with the big social media platforms of old. I really feel like we set ourselves up for this outcome. Of course Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit were going to let us down sooner or later. We placed our trust in private centralized companies to stay good on their ethics. The moment money even entered the discourse in those spaces, they were doomed to become what they are now. I really hope Lemmy and Mastodon and Frendica and Peertube and the other Fediverse platforms can gain popularity. We have a real chance here to build social media from the ground up, but this time with the long term ethics in mind. I really think this decentralized structure can allow us to keep more transparency and allow for smaller feeling communities to thrive without being subject to tyrannical administration.

      Edit: Corrected “momey” to “money”. Really sounded like a weird fetish there, I am sorry. Momey is not entering the discourse in any spaces, thank you very much.

      • Any time I talk about decentralized apps to friends and family I come across as some kind of conspiracy driven weirdo. I do not understand why decentralization comes across as some kind of extreme radical movement. I’m not protesting or anything, everything else just sucks lol

        •  SkyNTP   ( @SkyNTP@lemmy.ml ) 
          1 year ago

          Maybe use familiar terms? Skip the tech jargon, and go straight to things like “Reddit and Twitter and Facebook are boring old media with crappy apps and adds everywhere; the cool kids are now hanging out on Mastadon and Lemmy”. But you have to really own it.

          “Decentralized” means nothing to most people, or worse has been associated with crypto scams, and the stereotypical Bitcoin proselytizer. The truth is, most people can’t handle all that information.

          You have to appeal to emotion. Statements like “decentralization prevents interference by third parties… Blablabla” will just go over people’s heads if they can’t relate to an abstract concept. Say something like “My family/friends in /country/ can’t buy anything with their local currency because of hyperinflation, so now they all us USD or even Bitcoin” instead. That will appeal to people’s emotions.

          In the case of the fediverse an appeal to emotion might look like “Reddit has just turned to shit. It’s not the platform I first joined. A lot of us have moved to Lemmy and it reminds us of when we first joined Reddit.”

          Also, just don’t push the subject. Some people are not ready to follow you. Let people figure out the benefits at their own pace. Otherwise they get defensive, and you’ll do more to make yourself look like a crazy from that place than to convince.

          •  zkikiz   ( @zkikiz@lemmy.ml ) 
            101 year ago

            Also there’s two facts that can be used to our advantage: the internet started out non-corporate and decentralized, and it’s the for-profit corporate nature of these companies that’s causing the enshittification. So you can just say that you like stuff that goes back to the old good days of the internet and don’t like being under the control of greedy corporations.

        • I’ve been trying to tell my friends about the fediverse and how happy I am using it and why I deleted my twitter account etc etc. Every time I bring it up I feel like it’s very quickly dismissed as this weird nerdy thing that only I care about.

          •  zkikiz   ( @zkikiz@lemmy.ml ) 
            41 year ago

            Some people only join stuff that seems mainstream and cool. You can chart Twitter growth with fans of Oprah and Donald Trump joining: before Oprah it was absolutely a nerdy thing, after I was surprised how many random average people from all walks of life had shown up. I’m talking like startup bros to fast food cashiers overnight.

  •  six   ( @six@lemmy.ml ) 
    411 year ago

    I’m not too surprised that Reddit would go so far as to lie about somebody blackmailing them. This is a disgusting thing to do to someone who’s bringing people to your website.

  • I have over a decade on Reddit across several accounts and if I can’t use Sync on Android or Apollo on iOS then I just wont even browse on mobile. They already killed i.reddit and compact, their browser experience is intentionally shit to try and get you to install their app.

    If the day ever comes that old.reddit is shut down I will overwrite all of my comments and delete my account

  • I think this is the end for reddit maybe after june 30th apollo users will be slowly migrate to official reddit app or another platform. This event will generate massive traffic for lemmy. The great thing about reddit is before the API rules reddit is called as mini internet. Everyone shared most valuable content and mods maintained the communities from spam their work is most valuable thing and thank you for all your work.

    • Seriously. They’ve released the backend code, why not release the frontend too? Open-source is definitely viable, if the developer just lets the project rot, they’ll get nothing from it, but if they just slap the GPL on it and work with the community on a fork, then they would end up leading a nice open-source project. I’d love to see Lemmy gaining a bunch of users too; that’s definitely be nice.

  •  nhgeek   ( @nhgeek@lemmy.ml ) 
    301 year ago

    I’ve been a Reddit user for many years. It was a great run but I’m moving here. For now I’m missing quit a few favorite communities but that should improve with time.

      • Not to mention data loss and the need for a threshold of active users to keep things running.

        Also not get overrun by certain elements which have co opted other social media platforms in recent history…

    • If there is even small scale organized move to Lemmy with the best mods and content posters, there won’t be much to worry about. I’d be more worried about moving too fast and destroying the servers/network effect accelerating with the influx of meme spam. You see what happened to just about every large subreddit becoming a low quality content cesspool perpetuated by the hive mind. I love Reddit but it’s hard to watch communities need to migrate to niche or private subreddits.

      Right now I think everyone agrees there is no rea Reddit substitute, so Lemmy is the main landing spot. So long as we don’t get bored here conversing with a smaller population, Reddit doesn’t do a complete about face, and Lenny’s servers don’t crash and burn - I think time will help work things out.

  •  phox   ( @phox@syrma.cc ) 
    281 year ago

    ReddPlanet dev came to the same decision. Gutted tbh. After more than 13 years I’m done for good with that place. Shoutout to all the 3rd party devs. You deserve better, and I hope you find success with any new project you might launch in the future.