Right now it looks like you can only run lemmy in docker-compose, is there work on an official container?

  • I think there’s a misunderstanding. In the docker-compose.yml, you specify services, and these services can use the official container images. The only thing the docker-compose actually does is define your services so you don’t have to specify them each time starting a container.

  • My understanding is docker-compose is just a glorified installation file where you can install multiple containers and configure their interoperability/file systems/other config stuff, whereas images are the actual installation files for that specific container.

    IE I can run a docker-compose to install App X, mariadb, and (IDK some third thing) at one time, but using images I’d have to install App X, THEN mariadb, THEN mysterious third thing, haven’t had enough coffee lol.

  • Docker Compose is just a tool to elegantly lay out containers in a stack. It’s not a replacement for containers and images. If you need the image names themselves for use outside of compose like in a NAS GUI setting, they would be in the compose file.

  • You can run it from an image without docker-compose but I’d recommend looking into docker-compose if you’re not already familiar with it. @CannaVet@lemmy.world has the idea right that it’s just a powerful installation file and can automate your docker management process rather well if you’re using it a lot.

    You can build a container from an image but it’s obviously more hands-on. Lemmy may have additional dependencies they include in the compose file that may not be present in the image source. but starting with something like

    $ docker run --pull=always --restart=unless-stopped -d -p 80:8080 -v YOUR/PATH/TO/DATA:/data --name lemmy_backend [LEMMYREPO]:latest

    and configure that using proper configuration ( the links @Elbullazul@lem.elbullazul.com posted) - reference this for how to do that!

    Be prepped for manual updates, though 😳

    • A Docker image is a read-only template that contains the instructions for building a container. A Docker compose file is a YAML file that defines a set of Docker services.

      A Docker image is a static artifact that can be used to create multiple containers. A Docker compose file is a dynamic configuration file that can be used to create and manage containers at runtime.

      Docker images are typically used for building and deploying applications. Docker compose files are typically used for managing and orchestrate containers.

      That came out of an AI. I can deploy images more easily on my NAS, and I’ve worked with them in the past, so I want an official container so I can deploy it alongside all the other docker containers I have running.

            • I have a container running Watchtower and it checks once a week for any updated images so I can go through and update whatever needs updating myself. IIRC there’s an option to have it automatically update stuff but I don’t know nearly enough yet to be comfortable with that - If something is going to break let me break it myself so I can troubleshoot it haha.

              I use Portainer as a GUI docker management system, and in regards to updating I can just hit a “Recreate” button and select “re-pull image” to update them. As long as you have the containers tied to persistent data folders it just pulls the latest image and ““re-installs”” it per your docker-compose file and everything is just as you left it.

        • Think of container as a running VM. Image is the file system of the VM. The image itself is static, so when restarted alll file system changes get tossed out (you can map certain paths inside the container to other storage). A Dockerfile is a file that describes how to build the image (For example : Use an ubuntu base image, run these commands, copy this file in to this path, expose this network port, and when running the container, start this file when it boots up).

          When running a container you specify which image it should run, network ports to expose to the host network, environment variables that should be set inside the container, if it has access to a gpu, mapping paths to storage and so on. You can even change the startup command.

          A docker compose file is a config file that can define all those things, and define it for multiple containers, binding them together in one stack. So you could for example have a static web server, an api server, a database server, redis, and so on defined and configured via environment variables. And you could just do “docker compose up” to bring up all the parts in their own docker namespace and virtual network.