On Chrome/Android. Sometimes, usually after navigating around a bit, I get a green popup saying “report created”. I have no idea what I am doing that causes this, and I don’t know what exactly it is referring to.

While it doesn’t affect my usage, I don’t want to accidentally create bogus reports, if that’s even what is happening.

Any hints on what I can do to debug or avoid this?

  • popping in:

    While it doesn’t affect my usage, I don’t want to accidentally create bogus reports, if that’s even what is happening.

    as far as we can tell it doesn’t create reports, so don’t worry about that part. we’re obviously not sure what’s causing this but i’ve passed it on to our grand list of things to keep an eye on so hopefully it’ll get looked at next week.

  • Happening in Safari too.

    BTW If there’s any devs out there, I love the feature in the Create Post section that suggests related posts based on what you type. I had searched for “report created”, but couldn’t work out how to limit it to just post titles in this sub, and so got overwhelmed with results.