No Kotone Shiomi, very very dissapointing, they took out the best part
- Magusbear ( ) 6•2 years ago
Could anyone see if Tartarus looked any more fleshed out? I would think they’d have shown more of it if they had made any significant changes/additions, but maybe I just didn’t see it. Because that is probably my biggest gripe with P4 but especially P3, the dungeons are pretty boring.
Other than that it looks pretty cool. I’m looking forward to playing through it again.
- mint ( ) 1•2 years ago
there’s a shot where it showed a floor that’s exactly where it was in the original, I doubt it’s been changed much tbh but we’ll see!
- BijouCliff ( ) 3•2 years ago
Genuinely insane, I can’t believe it’s real. I remember a few months back where that leak of a Yukari attack animation was going around and was dismissed as a very well done fake. Turns out, we were wrong
- mint ( ) 2•2 years ago
the best part about this is that it means the Jet Set Radio game is coming too :D
- MilliaStrange ( ) 3•2 years ago
I’m half expecting them to add FeMC in the updated second release of the game, Persona 3 Reload Royal.
- ryuko ( ) 2•2 years ago
This might just be me coping, but I’m hoping they’re saving the Kotone reveal for a later trailer.
ID love this to be another ass creed oddysey situation but Alas, this be atlus.
- Bleakz ( ) 1•2 years ago
For the first time in a good while I am truly hyped for a video game