…was not today. Nor was it homebrewed, but when I turned 21 (I’m in the US), my first drink was a beer that my dad and I brewed together. I thought y’all might enjoy the pic.

  • That’s awesome. A belated ‘Cheers!’

    Was this brewed in a more industrial setting? I like stories of brewers and such having such celebratory drinks. Heard about some distillers that made a batch of whiskey when their kids were born so it’d be 18 years old when the kids are legally allowed to drink (this was at Teeling in Ireland)

    • It was brewed in our garage, but he did have a pretty souped up setup. I’m seeing him tonight for dinner, I’ll ask him for more specifics.

      We made the red ale, an Irish dry stout, and a cider IIRC.

      Then we moved and he has to sell all of it. I’m sur he’ll buy it again someday.