What’s everyone on /m/gaming playing lately?

I’m still making my way through the Diablo IV campaign, really enjoying that but looking forward to blasting and figuring out if I enjoy the endgame more than anything at this point. I’m a binge Path of Exile player but the past few leagues haven’t really done it for me. It’s been nice to play an ARPG again and I’m enjoying D4’s slower pace. Zoom zoom is great in POE, but it’s nice to get back to basics a little bit.

Went with Whirlwind Barbarian. Know it’s meta, but Cyclone Slayer is my favorite POE build so I’m just trying to enjoy my time as the overpowered class rather than fighting it haha.

Played through the Lies of P demo as well and thought it was mostly great. Not the greatest example of gameplay for the genre IMO, but the production values and the vibe were stellar.

How about you guys?

  • I hit about 90 hours in Tears of the Kingdom but then Street Fighter 6 and Diablo 4 came out so those two have been taking up most of my time now. Final Fantasy XVI in a couple weeks will be stealing time from those two haha it’s a good month for games

  • Street Fighter 6, and in really enjoying it. I’m not a fighting game guy at all, but they added a new Modern control scheme that lowers the barrier to entry. Now I’m having a blast every night with my buddies. I’d highly recommend it to anyone reading this.

    •  sxt   ( @sxt@kbin.social ) 
      1 year ago

      It’s more or less my first fighting game and I’ve been really enjoying it too. I made attempts at Guilty Gear before and it was just a lot to take in. SF6 has been a lot more manageable to start picking up even on classic controls which has been a lot of fun.

      I didn’t think I’d really enjoy the single player part either but that has been fun, just running around with a controller and beating random dudes up.

  • I’m just wrapping up my rather thorough playthrough of Tears of the Kingdom and have quite enjoyed it. Maybe coning up on about 200 hours now. I’m not getting every Korok. Fuck that.

    I don’t know what to focus on next… I just came out of finishing CrossCode on my Deck before TotK dropped, and loved it.

    Maybe it’s time to slap on the Quest 2 and go for Firmament.

    • Super reasonable about the Koroks. Especially the ones that refuse to move on their own with the bags. Special kind of hatred for those dudes.

      Plan on getting back to TotK myself when the Diablo binge is over. Near 100% Breath of the Wild and what I played of Tears is just next level strong.

      • For dupe (duplicant) skill trees, Francis John has a great tutorial, but as a general guide:

        • You’ll want to specialise your dupes but not too much. It’s fine to mix skills a bit.
        • It’s better to mix activities if they’re all performed outdoors (building, digging) or all indoors (cooking, farming).
        • Worst hypothesis, use the skill scrubber, so don’t feel afraid to experiment.
        • Don’t assign skill points just because they’re available. Consider morale.
        • Doctoring is usually not useful. I simply pretend that it doesn’t exist.
        • Decorating and cooking are useful, but one dupe with each task is enough. (Or one with both - decorating isn’t too frequent.)
        • Almost everyone benefits from Improved Carrying I and II. Late game you’ll probably want to assign them Exosuit Training.
        • Francis John’s video is old and the skill tree changed in the meantime, so take that into account.

        If you meant instead the tech tree, a few tricks:

        • The top is usually more important than the bottom. For example if unsure about researching food or decor, go with food, as it’s way up.
        • Things requiring only basic research (blue) and advanced research (purple) are specially critical, but your dupes can survive quite a while without materials research (yellow) or interstellar research (orange).
    • I need to give the new System Shock a try too! I just redeemed my Steam code after backing it ages ago and installed it on my Steam Deck. Play a few minutes to see if it runs on there, but haven’t really gotten around to diving in yet.

      I’ve never played the OG System Shock, SS2 was my introduction to it as well.

  • I just got back into Guild Wars 2. What a pleasant mmo to play casually for years.

    When I’m feeling spicy, I pick up Deceive Inc. - I like the ability to play solo and not be forced to team up with people and this hits the right parts of the brain for me when I’m up to pvp.

    I’m eagerly waiting for the new Team Fight Tactics set. I got bored of set 8 pretty quickly so this new update looks insane. I like that the devs are taking risks with augments and expanding the complexity of the game.

    On the side, I’ve been trying to finish Dragon Age: Inquisition so I can delete it. I don’t know if it’s my attention span, but massive single-player RPGs with a breadth of content haven’t been doing it for me… The gameplay/combat feels really repetitive and therefore makes progression tedious. I’ve recently given up on AC Odyssey because of this. :(

  • I spent the past couple weeks playing through TotK and it was very fun, but I played so much over a short period of time I definitely burned myself out a bit.

    I’ve now been getting back into Parkitect, which I highly recommend if anyone is a fan of the older RollerCoaster Tycoon games

  • I spent the last few weeks finally catching up on breath of the wild so I could go in to tears of the kingdom and oh boy, it’s so good and I’m having so much fun. Haven’t even thought about playing anything else for a little while now - though now I’m even more keen to play through some of the zelda classics.

  • Doing TOTK main quests and apparently the game is much longer than I expected… I am about 60 hr in and I feel I have make it at most 50%, maybe way less.

    Also playing some HOI4 when I got too much time.

    • TOTK feels like a huge game for sure. i don’t know how many hours i’ve put in off the top of my head, but i’d guess it’s in the 80-100 range. i think i’ve gone through about 90% of the main story, but if i want to go through all the side quests, get all the armor, find all the koroks… who knows how long it would take. honestly, i probably won’t 100% this one, but i’m having a lot of fun still.

  • Final Fantasy XIV continues to dominate most of my free time, but Honkai Star Rail has definitely muscled its way in too since its release. I sure won’t pretend that it isn’t predatory in its gacha monetization, but there’s a good game in there and I’m a sucker for sci-fi settings and for JRPGs.

    On the XIV front, I’ve only got about half a rank to go before maxing out Island Sanctuary again from the latest update. Pretty excited to dust off Blue Mage again too when patch 6.45 drops.

  • Exams are coming in a few days so I don’t really have much liberty, but I’ve been playing a lot of Honkai Star Rail and some Diablo 4 on the side too. I’d love to have more time to play either though.