Seeing as this instance and community is brand new, I’m very curious how everyone here flies their digital planes.

Personally, I love flying on Vatsim. Usually I grab the Fenix A320.
Right now I’m flying some different planes, hoping that the Fenix V2 update drops soon… I need that extra performance to not fly at less than 20fps constantly!
Also flying the CRJ, AN225 and ATR. Might also do some VFR on Vatsim soon.

But I’d love to hear how you guys fly.

  • I’ve been flying in sims on and off for 20 years (and IRL, but that got too expensive after I got my PPL) and I enjoy doing short technical IFR navigation. I used to have a physical radio+nav controller built with arduino (xplane has an open api that made it very easy to DIY controllers) and enjoyed building gear for it quite a bit.

    Just getting back into after not touching it for a while it but at the moment mostly just flying ultralights and GA in VFR.

  • One of these days I’ll dig into vatsim. I really don’t know what I’m doing though as far as proper procedures, or radio usage. So that would be quite a journey to get to that level! One day…

    I typically fly GA aircraft, the Cessna 414 is my current obsession. Or the XCub for bush trips.

  • I mostly fly VFR in the Cessna 172 by WB-Sim. Hoping that it will benifit my real life pilot training. Although I noticed that flying a real Cessna is easier than the sim. Maybe because you have more sensations and a better feeling for navigation, or I am just bad at sim flying. xD

  • I’ve been flying consistently for 15 years in the sim, and got my PPL last year and fly pretty regularly irl. I primarily fly airliners although I’ve done everything at one point or another (except zeppelins, waiting for the OML hindenburg for that…).

    I fly a variety of flights from regional hops to long hauls. I’ve probably done a few hundred long hauls over my years of swimming, including CTP many times. I primarily fly xplane, although I use MSFS for bush flying, GA (which I don’t do much now that I can do it irl) and occasional airliner ops. Nobody asked, but favorite addon is the Felis 747-200, absolute gem. If you’re ever feeling like you’ve figured everything out with modern airliners and need a challenge the 742 is the answer.

  • I like flying small airliners (think atr72/q400/crj/b736) but I can’t guarantee my flight won’t be interrupted by my kids so no longer go on vatsim.

    I’m generally low on free time so i do short island or alpine hops around western Europe, starting with engines on and just chucking a quick route in the FMC.

    Once the kids are more grown up I’ll probably get back into vatsim and a bit more realism but for now I just use the short cruise as a chance to chill.

  • I like doing IFR flights in turbojets like the TBM930 or 208B Grand Caravan. I usually stick to one or two hour flights - this seems like a nice balance of spending time up in the air getting things configured and looking at the scenery, but speedy enough that cruise doesn’t get boring.