Figured I might as well create a thread for the latest episode.

  • I haven’t watched this week’s episode yet, but thanks for making the thread! Lemmy is still lacking some automod/scheduled thread features, so things like this will be manual for a while.

  •  arya48   ( ) 
    11 year ago

    What do you guys think are the odds of season 3 happening? People seem to think it might happen but I just don’t see what they would do with all that runtime, it very much feels like we are building up to a conclusive finale.

  • Definitely more of a downtime episode, was sorely needed for the characters to catch their breath and set up the final act. The Quiet Zero reveal was pretty crazy, Prospera continues to be insane in the most enjoyable way.

  • Not sure how much I like the fact they keep pulling things out of thin air with zero foreshadowing. “Oh, there was a super-dangerous kind of Gundam that has been never mentioned before!” feels like the reveal of the Akatsuki in Seed Destiny, and I definitely do not consider that a good thing.

    The whole thing also feels pretty rushed now. Shaddiq stages what is basically an open revolt and then the whole thing is ended by… him getting beat by Guel and put under locks, along with his harem. There really should have been more time spent on that, along with more focus dedicated to the events on Earth.