I see the pics come out every week and I’m so. freaking. stoked. for this show

  • Which one are you going to be going to? Are you going to try and get the 3AM (?) edition with the new tracks on it?

    My wife went to the one in Orlando, which was before she released the CD :( so my wife is thinking of going to the local show and trying to get a CD even without a ticket. She’s dedicated

    • Seattle, Night 1! Super excited, working on getting my costume up and going

      I got the mp3 album when it released on the store and I’m content with that tbh. I have so many versions of the album now I don’t need to buy yet another CD. I may be the minority in swiftie culture but I’m annoyed at how many versions there are now.

      Also, all of the deluxe editions were “limited time only” but then showed up later on the store. I think this one will eventually end up on the store too.

      • Honestly just go in comfy shoes and be prepared to stand for basically the whole time. Our whole stadium was on their feet for the ENTIRE show. It was a once in a lifetime experience. If you go with the intent to have fun and just live in the moment, you’ll have a great time!

        I also made and traded friendship bracelets, which was an amazing experience. I now have bracelets from other people that I can display as part of my concert memories, which I love.

        • Good idea on the shoes, I’ve been needing to get a new pair of comfy city walking shoes anyway, maybe I should just go do that now and break them in a bit.

          My SO and I have been making friendship bracelets! We have at least a dozen already, we’re going to make more too, I’m glad people are trading them!