• Out of a 3 minute trailer, I saw 15 seconds of gameplay. But let’s be real. This is Bethesda. We know what to expect. Tons of bugs and an already prepared statement to release after people realize their $70-$300 game isn’t released in a playable state. The best thing to do is wait for release. Check out reviews from your favorite source and also User reviews. Then wait a year for the community mod that fixes all the bugs that Bethesda was not able to fix. Then you might as well wait another year for DLC and for Starfield to be on sale.

  •  Mogster   ( @Mogster@beehaw.org ) 
    181 year ago

    The Starfield Direct showing really sold me on this. It looks like it comes the closest to my dream space game of anything released so far. Elite Dangerous nailed the feel of piloting your own spacecraft, but I didn’t get on with the actual structure of the game. No Man’s Sky continues to do amazing things, but its spaceflight feels a bit too stripped back for me and it still feels a little too aimless for my tastes.

    This looks like a perfect middle ground, all backed up with a full blown Bethesda RPG too keep me engaged. :D

    My only criticisms based on the Direct are that characters, and indeed character interactions still look a bit dated compared to more recent games, especially Cyberpunk 2077, and that the combat still looks a little janky. Don’t get me wrong, it looks a lot better than Bethesda’s older games, but still seems to be showcasing some rather basic AI and spongey enemies. Hopefully the RPG elements will make this side of the game feel more rewarding.

    •  TEKUMS   ( @TEKUMS@lemmy.ca ) 
      41 year ago

      The characters seem to still being doing that Bethesda thing where they just stand in attention at you and stare you down lol.

      Really curious to see how the combat actually feels and if there will be a V.A.T.S. like system, I know that’s something that a lot of people like and the combat is this game looks a lot faster than any combat in a Bethesda game before. So it could turn some people off who aren’t a big fan of fast paced combat but really enjoy Bethesda stories and worlds.

  •  frost   ( @frost@beehaw.org ) 
    171 year ago

    I really like what I’m seeing, ranging from the depth of things to do, to how granular the systems are, to how much I love the art direction Bethesda has taken. That said, it still won’t be a day-1 buy for me when it launches, I simply don’t trust big AAA releases anymore and will wait at least a little while to see if it’s simply unpolished, or flat-out broken.

    • Starfield players on day one: “This game is incredible and life-changing! I’m so glad I pre-ordered!”

      Starfield players on day 2: “PSA to new players, be careful not to go into space or else your save will get corrupted!”

  • After that 45 minute breakdown I’m very excited for No Man’s Skyrim. I can definitely understand the hesitation, it’s almost definitely gonna be riddled with bugs on release, but I’ve got gamepass, so I’ll happily beta test for y’all!

  •  Pliny   ( @Pliny@lemmy.fmhy.ml ) 
    131 year ago

    That got me pretty hyped.

    The ships, cities, space travel, combat and planets look awesome.

    Less enthused by the character designs and models which look straight out of Skyrim. Character faces still have dead eyes and barely any expression to them which frankly seems a little unacceptable in 2023. Nevertheless this is a day one for me, this looks like it has loads to enjoy.

    And as soon as the mods start coming out oh boy, it’s going to be pretty awesome.

  • Maybe I am just incredibly contrarian, but the art direction really inspires no emotions in me. I understand the idea of “NASApunk” but it looks like every DeviantArt near future art page. Blocky construction with a lot of triangle shaped cutouts and scalloping.

    There is the cowboy sector and the cyberpunk sector, and on their own they look more interesting, but it seems like a kitchen sink approach to a tone instead of something with a more coherent identity.

    I hope the game has more heart and identity, and I end up being one of those haters shown in a retrospective video on how great it is.

    •  sintamo   ( @Sintamo@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      I completely agree with this take, including the “I hope I’m wrong” bit. It just looks… bland? Like it’s relying on the idea of space being expansive and vast and full of… well, everything that exists - but in the end will it just feel like a Bethesda game with space assets subbed in?

      Then again I still play No Mans Sky so my desperation to be a space-man is obviously without limit.

  •  chrs   ( @chrs@programming.dev ) 
    121 year ago

    Looks cool, but didn’t look like it featured that much gameplay on a “Gameplay Trailer”. My trust in Bethesda is at an all-time low, but let’s see if they manage to pull this one through, without it being an empty universe with generic gameplay.

    • This new trailer combined with the year old one does give some idea of what to expect. I got a feeling that mechanics-wise it’s going to be pretty close to Fallout 4 and also the art direction seems to be heavily inspired from the Fallout series as well.

      If the same team really has worked on this that worked on Skyrim and Fallout 4 then I expect quite a decent gaming experience. There will be all the amusing bugs and lots of repetitive quests but then again also I would expect some kind of coherent atmosphere and story telling. It’s been so long since Skyrim and FO4 were released and I still keep going back to play them because the world has a story after all and somehow there’s still something new to find out after all these years.

      In FO4 for example I played through the Cabot quest line and had never really given any thought of reading through their terminals and stuff. There’s quite a lot of story telling for such a small quest line but it’s not forcily fed to the player if they just want to get all the fancy stuff from the quest and keep on crunching through all the other quests in the world.

      Yeah, I’m most definitely going to buy this at launch. I think FO76 has been the only really bad release from Bethesda (and I’ve been around gaming stuff actively since Oblivion) so I’m going to be an optimistic with this one!

      • Yes! My thoughts exactly. I don’t see how this game can capture the world building of Skyrim or Fallout and still have the same exploration feel of No Man’s Sky (which comes at a huge cost in my view), who knows, maybe they prove me wrong.

        If they can’t combine both experiences and the game ends up closer to the other Bethesda games, with good lore and decent story, I might check it out. If it ends up more like NMS, than it’s definetly not my cup of tea (but there are a lot of other folks interested in that type of game).

      • Check out the longer Dev video for more about it, but basically yes, most planets are lifeless and basically only useful for gathering resources.

        I don’t really understand why people expect different really, there’s a thousand planet sized play areas, of course it can’t all be hand crafted. The point is to feel like you’re in space, and space is 99.99999% boring lifeless rocks.

        As long as the hand crafted areas are done well, I don’t see why this would be an issue at all, it’s potentially the best of both worlds.

    • Thank you!! I thought I was the only one who noticed this! There was like 15 seconds of actual gameplay out of a 3 minute trailer. I hate how people are gushing over that trailer. It showed the potential, but not what’s actually there…but this is Bethesda, we know what to expect.

  • I’m excited! It looks to have combined the universe of No Man’s Sky, the main storyline of Interstellar & Contact, and the diversity of factions and cities of Skyrim. I’m a Patient Gamer so I won’t be preordering (this game or any other), but I’m optimistic we will (eventually) have a winner.

  • With Bethesda making an entire galaxy for this game the next elder scrolls has got to come out alot quicker right? Going back to a single province(or maybe even a few) has to be a walk in the park by comparison Huff’s more copium

    • Bethesda’s design philosophy kinda goes against that being the case. With more resources and better tools, they aren’t going to make the same game but faster. They just make the same game but more.