It’s not sports news or anything, but I’m pretty excited! Finished my open water yesterday, got my card today! Really looking forward to getting some more dives in (I can tell I’ll need a bunch more practice).

Anyone else here scuba dive?

  •  pkulak   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    Just got certified myself last month. Don’t know if I’ll ever do it again though. It’s an unbelievable amount of work. Feels like you’re going to the moon with all the equipment you have to wear and monitor.

    I also did my dives in 52-degree water, so there would be a lot less equipment if it was warmer… to say the least!

    • Oh yeah it’s definitely a lot of work, I was surprised at how sore I was when I woke up today! Very rewarding for me - I was over the moon after that last dive - but I can definitely see it not being something that everyone is interested in keeping up with.

      I got a bit lucky with the water temp; where we were diving it was 75F down to like 15-20ft (which was my max depth) with a pretty steep thermocline. I think it was like 55F right below that. That’s why I waited until after the winter though!**

  •  Zui   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    Congrats! Where did you do it? I’ve been diving since … forever ;-) but i’m about to get my rescue diver and divemaster certification. Wish me luck! Oh and i hope we get a diving community… does anyone feel like creating one?

    •  realChem   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      Oh that’s exciting! I do plan to take the rescue course at some point, but I definitely want more practice with the basics first.

      I’m not particularly near any oceans or big lakes or anything, so the checkout dives were up at a nearby(ish) quarry that’s been converted into a dive site. I believe it’s max depth is like 45 or 50 ft (14 or 15 m), but we didn’t go deeper than 20 ft (6 m). Lots of friendly freshwater fish since they don’t let people catch them there, and some cool sunken objects to go have a look at (it was pretty cool to see an airplane underwater).

      I’ve mentioned a diving community a couple times. It’s definitely too niche for what we’re doing at the moment here on beehaw, but I’m going to be keeping an eye out in case one pops up on another instance!