Thoughts on the Grusch interview on Newd Nation

  • This may be the first time I’ve heard a government official say that these are not be classic “aliens” but may actually be multi-dimensional beings.

    Grusch did lose me a bit though when he said he didn’t go to college but was appointed to his position because he knew physics. And the way he talked about it was a bit parochial.

  • I would like to believe him but I have doubts. I’ve been following this topic since I had to physically go to a library and check out the books. 😂 Since the internet came around, it’s been easier to access information but obviously you have to wade through a sea of dubious claims and unvetted reports. There’s something about Grusch that causes me to have a visceral reaction and I’m not sure what it is yet. I’m not saying he’s lying but l am still on the fence with this one.