So happy so many of you are also interested in finding, sharing, and discussing new ways to better our communities! I hope everyone finds inspiration here and we all get to brighten up our little corners of the world.

I would love to hear from people about what is working in your community.

What does your community have or do that you think is going well? (Maybe its a neat festival. Maybe it’s a community centre like a workshop or garden. Share the ideas!)

What small things have you done that you would like to do more of? (Cleaned up rubbish on the beach? Planted some trees? Helped with a fundraiser or event? Good on you, we’re all proud! Tell us so we can all get motivated to go out and do the same)

What are you wanting for your community? (Maybe its helping with food insecurity, maybe its cleaning up parks or planting trees, maybe it’s better public transport)

No task is too big or too small to share, this is a place of positivity and celebration ✨️

Here’s an article with links to resources on starting your own library of things. It’s US centric but still has good ideas I’ve been stealing for getting ours organised

  • Kia ora! Nice to see the whanaunga here!

    I work for a social service that does a lot of community building and mutual aid work, but it’s something I’d really like to build up more of in my personal life! We’ve got a community garden a minute away I’d love to get more involved in this summer, and a big back yard I’m keen to do more with.

        • Yay home brew! I live in hops central so while i have a couple plants on the deck, it’s easy enough to grab some wildling bunches by the river cycle path. I can’t have any alcohol with my medications so our home brew equipment is gathering some dust atm but I’ve been seeing more alcohol free options so I’d like to try making my own. I have planted a hundred + feijoas so I was thinking of doing a feijoa fest and bottle sesh where we all get together, bottle, and share the spoils but I’m not sure the legalities on large-scale community food production. Something i need to sort out.

          Anyways please share all your favourite home brew tips and if you have any knowledge on making some alcohol free varties let me know!

          • Oooh interesting! I’m not sure about brewing alcohol free, but it’s something I’d be interesting in learning more about for sure!

            I know with feijoa you can make soda real easy with the skins by just letting them sit in a bottle of sugar water - it’ll naturally carbonate and will be very low/no alcohol!

            I’ve found wine really simple to make - the formula of fruit, water, sugar, and yeast is pretty much always the same and it’s very much a set it and leave it once it gets going! The waiting is the hardest part 😅

            • Yes! Feijoa fizz! That’s exactly what I was thinking of making as it would be family friendly. I haven’t made any wine but i was planning on trying some elderberry champagne and gorse flower champagne this spring. I won’t be able to drink it myself which will be lame though 😮‍💨

              • Oh exciting!

                I’ve recently got into making kombucha, too, which has been a lot of fun - family friendly and you can play around with using different teas. A favourite so far has been made with a pear and caramel black tea!

                It works so well for me cos kombucha is quick turnaround, beer takes a few weeks, and wine a few months - so it helps with my impatience 😅

  • I did some volunteer work at a cat shelter/adoption agency for a few months, it’s a great little place that rescues at-risk kitties from other shelters that would’ve put them down otherwise. Lots of poop cleaning, but there was some cuddling too - and the little guys were grateful, rubbing up against my leg when I gave them a clean box, haha. I would play some soft music when I worked, and deep down I really hope that I got some of them into Japanese Citypop. Always sad to see my regulars disappear some weeks (we had a list of who was adopted when), but it was still a good feeling since they were finally with a family.

    Sadly, I had to stop going since my own cat is extremely territorial and started to attack me when I got home. He began waiting for me at the door, and would barely let me inside - and he’s a big cat, too. I tried multiple things, but the scent of other cats was ultimately too distressing for him.

    I really hope other places like this exist elsewhere, alternatives that allow animals a safe haven and give them a chance they wouldn’t have ever had. Anyway, that’s my little story. Hope it’s okay!

  • We recently donated dozens of plants for two fundraisers in our town - one supporting the town library, and the other supporting the town food pantry. They were both happening on the same morning, so we made sure to mention that to the organizers… There were SO. MANY. PEOPLE coming to the library stating that they heard about it from the food pantry plant sale, and we got a text from the FP organizers later saying how wonderful it was to have patrons coming saying they had heard about it at the library.

    Our engagement with the food pantry also allowed us to have a conversation with them about informing their clients about a program Maine runs that allows SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) beneficiaries to receive additional assistance when buying food from farmer’s markets. We’re hopeful that these conversations will help to bring better nutrition to our neighbors that are struggling, increase support for our local growers, and reduce the carbon footprint by bolstering our town’s circular economy.