Any project in rust you want to chat about.

  • An e-ink info display which displays the weather and my nextcloud calendars and tasks. So Rust Backend which pulls the data and displays a static HTML page, which will be pulled by the esp32 board. First project with rust

      • I have done some small experiments (not much beyond a blinking light at this point) and I feel that the main issue right now for a beginner is that the documentation isn’t there yet. By far.

        Also I have read that many of the crates that use the same bus don’t play well with each other (e.g. two devices on the same i2c bus) even though that is what embedded-hal is supposed to be all about. Many early crates are also abandoned apparently, further compounding this problem. I don’t have enough personal experience though to tell if this is true.

        •  sokkies   ( ) OP
          21 year ago

          Yeah finding crates has also been my issue. Ive done HAL on a raspberry pi and it has been fairly painless, but Im still strugggling to get my head around no_std convensions on bare metal chips… Also last I checked I couldnt figure out more advanced stuff like connectivity where I think Rust will really shine

        • I recently did a similar project. I have an old Chumby One device. I wrote a simple app that renders the time and date and outdoor temp and humidity. It receives the weather data over mqtt from rtl_433 running on an old wireless router with a USB sdr dongle.

          It writes the image directly to the framebuffer /dev/fb0

          I cross compiled for armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi and it works great. Hard to get much running on 64mb of ram these days.

          I hope to get the source up on GitHub when I get some time.

  • I might look into writing Lemmy bots with Rust; I’d made a small Discord bot back in the day but I think making a Rust library for Lemmy bots could be pretty useful. However, a browser plugin I’m designing in my head might have to come first. Oh, and after the projects that I can actually invoice for too 🤓

  •  zaop   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    I’m using Rust to build an alternative to (online collaborative subtitle editor). Initially I wrote the backend in node.js/typescript but I quickly found I really do not like working with that, and switched to Rust with Rocket. That has been really nice. I haven’t gotten around to working on it for quite a long time though, would like to pick it up again this summer.

  •  Aloso   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    I’m working on to-html, a CLI for running a command and converting the output to HTML, with colors, to embed in a website. It wasn’t getting any love for a while, but now there’s a new contributor helping out, which motivated me to work on it again ❤️

    •  sokkies   ( ) OP
      21 year ago

      Wow that sounds interesting. I could definitely use something like that one day. Ive been looking at hosting pages with rust but ive gotten stuck after doing examples so this might be a way to get interested again.

  •  sokkies   ( ) OP
    31 year ago

    Im working on a weather script. Currently it pulls data from along my commute and lets me know via a telegram bot (also done in rust a while back) whether it will rain… im also storing the data for the time being hoping to possibly learn a bit about ML to see if I can get more accurrate predictions, its my first time working working with async runtimes so its quite a lot of new stuff though

  • I’m currently working on a discord bot, it’s still a major work on progress though.

    It’s a rewrite of a bot I made a few months ago in Python but I wasn’t getting the control I needed with the libraries available and based on my current testing, this rewrite is what I needed

    It uses ML to generate text replies (currently using ChatGPT) and images (currently using DALL-E and Stable diffusion), I’ve got the text generation working, I just need yo get image generation working now.

    Link to the github:

    Link to the original bot (has the env variables that need to be set):

  •  Sibbo   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    I am currently mostly working on integrating PRs into my arithmetic/boolean/string expression evaluation crate evalexpr.

    But I am also in the process of creating a typed session handling crate for web frameworks like tower/axum. The existing crates all seem to only allow associating a hashtable with a session, which seems unnecessary if I can express the possible states of a session with e.g. an enum. It’s pretty much work in progress though. There is the core library typed-session as well as an implementation for axum typed-session-axum

  • I started on a media thingy like sonarr if you’re in the self hosted world.

    I’ve only wrote application code so I’m using this to grok life times and some of the more deep topics rust offers.

  • We have a pet project in work, which allows us to bring food and drinks to office and anyone can take, register it. Then once a month QR code is sent to everyone to pay to people who deliver stuff. Current system is classic SSR express.js app and I want to rewrite it to Axum backend and Vue SPA (and possibly other clients like cli). Currently finished the “customer needs analysis” and started grooming user stories to hopefully one day jump to writing the backend and then frontend.