This is an academic seminar which takes a look at post-scarcity. I suggest listening when doing something mundane.

In the talk, Brenanav goes over the main tenets of current post-scarcity research, as well as concerning economic trends over labor productivity and automation. He then gives some suggestions on how we must change our perspective of work, and at the least, start thinking about changing our economy from one of growth.

Some of the interesting pints I found from the article were that

  1. jobs aren’t being destroyed, but job creation is slowing down dramatically

  2. despite automation and productivity increasing, economic growth has been slowing dramatically, and this has resulted in a feedback loop where firms hold onto money more and more, thereby negatively affecting communities by disinvesting in them

  3. There is something called jobless recovery – in the United States, Brenanav noted that after each economic recession it took longer and longer to get back to the same level of unemployment as in a boom time