I know this isn’t part of the federated toolset that most in these parts prefer, but I have to use Slack for work. Thought this was interesting.

    • It really reminds me of the hype in 2016 around blockchain. Every MBA out there is slapping AI all over the place, telling dev teams it’ll revolutionize everything. and to be fair, there are a lot of great places it can make a lot of change, both positive and negative. But, we’re also seeing all the “What the fuck, why do we need AI here”

      For example, I was reading a blog about how this company added AI for their reporting, and they could do things like “Show me the average sales by day of the week”. Which it did, and hey that’s cool. Except, looking into it it was a SQL database. Guys, why did you need AI for that. You could literally write a query that does that. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sales GROUP BY DAYOFWEEK([SaleDate]). Did we really need to implement AI for that?

  •  someguy   ( @someguy@lemmyland.com ) 
    1 year ago

    Slacks problem isn’t with generating things to say, it’s with managing attention spans and navigating between conversations easily. If the integration can help with that, maybe it will make sense. But if it just helps people write, that is nice but I’d be concerned that it would lead to longer and less direct messaging.

    Edit: Read further in. Maybe it will cut down on the number of messages people need to send for things that exist in slack but that no one bothers to read. In that way, it could be pretty useful. I’m assuming Microsoft Teams has something similar already?

  • Interesting. I know our company currently prohibits the use of GPT for security concerns. I assume that this will be regulated by the workplace admins. Regardless, I’m interested in how slack plans integrate it

  • Obviously I can’t speak for most, but the most power we could get for my work w.r.t. slack and gpt is a knowledge engine consuming from our wiki and “public”/shared information channels.

    It would be nice to have an AI coworker who knows the answers to obscure questions.

    •  dxcz   ( @dxcz@beehaw.org ) OP
      21 year ago

      I hadn’t considered this, but this would be awesome.

      Having it go 2 ways and draft new articles (thinking TODO pages) based on Slack mentions would be interesting too, I think?