I am just about to make the jump to WT4, and starting to look at options other than my rend/ bleed barbarian. So what is everyone else playing? What do you like / dislike about your build so far?

  • I‘m quite the Diablo noob so I’ve been playing WT1 and am currently at level 17. It’s been quite easy though so I might switch to WT2 and see how that goes for me.

    I’m playing a necromancer and I’m not really sure about build. Mostly using the Blood Surge, Blood Lance, Explode corpse and a few others whose name I’ve forgotten. Working out well for me so far!

  • WT2 here, haven’t had a huge amount of time to play and I’m new to Diablo but currently at level 41 playing as a sorcerer/pyromancer and very much enjoying it. From what I understand, the other sorc paths are better for elite damage late game, but I just love the fire spread crowd control. From the world events I’ve done, it also seems like pyromancers aren’t very common as I haven’t seen another.

  • Still in WT2 here. I haven’t finished the main campaign. I don’t have tons of time to play during the week unfortunately, plus I started as a Necromancer first and was feeling weak around level 45 so I switched to a Rogue, which I played during beta and loved. I still love it now. At level 53 with the Rogue and playing a Poison/Death Trap - Flurry build. I melt most enemies and constantly have Death Trap up.

  • I was doing a lot of WT3 at level 50, then dropped back to WT1 so I could speed run altars, dungeons and get renown so I can grab skill/paragon/potions quickly before hopping up to WT4. It’s a little boring but you can blaze through renown stuff a lot faster. I’m doing a full rend/bleed barb, and I love just ganking the shit out of enormous mobs. The more the merrier the barb says.

    • Which weapon mastery do you prefer? I recently picked up a nicely rolled Fields of Crimson, so switch from Chains to Rupture. The damage is nice, but I am missing the ability to pull enemies to me.

  •  punter   ( @punter@lemmy.ca ) 
    21 year ago

    I started with Druid, went landslide because the legendary gear i got led me that way. Could not complete the capstone boss and then started a Sorcerer to play with friends. Fell in love with Ice Shards. So only lvl 40 now but no regret. To me Druid felt like work; Sorc is fun.

  • WT4 Arc Lash Sorc, I make things explode so much and I don’t have to worry about staying at range because my Basic is melee anyway. The amount of cc is high so I stack damage against cced targets and go for execute change to trigger the Fireball passive and watch packs of mobs just erupt into a series of explosions. It’s so satisfying. I was going Pyro because I liked the big snake Ultimate visual, but I got over it when I saw the damage I was putting out.

  • I just hit 65 on WT3 as a Sorc. I actually just recently switched to an arc lash build after stubbornly plowing through on a leveling chain lightning build. For the most part, it’s okay albeit a bit boring. I was thinking of switching to rogue as that was my class during the betas but was going to wait until I hit WT4 and see how that power spike is on ancestral gear. I’m clearing close to tier 20 nightmare dungeons (but haven’t tried 20 yet) so I may just go for the capstone dungeon.

  •  Joeker1125   ( @Joeker1125@lemmy.world ) 
    1 year ago

    WT2 still after finally beating the campaign. Currently trying to find all of the Lilith Alrars before I try and make the jump to WT3. Using the Necro is fun when it works but I’ve definitely felt it to start getting weaker as I level up. Might try Poison Trap Rogue since that’s what I played in the beta.

  • Only level 65 rogue, but man, rapid fire destroys once it comes online, AoE can still be kinda rough if I go full brainless, but I can still easily wreck house in nightmare 24 maps(highest I’ve tried so far), even the bosses just melt.

  • I’m on WT4, level 76. Playing Whirlwind Barbarian and loving it. I never got a chance to play it pre-nerfs but honestly, I’m still so strong. I’m starting to farm Nightmare 35+ to level my glyphs and hunting ever-elusive uniques to strengthen my build out further.

      • There’s been like three rounds of nerfs. Bold Chieftain’s aspect was nerfed and basically removed 100% uptime on shouts. Dire Whirlwind damage numbers were nerfed. Gohr’s Devastating Grips (unique gloves) were nerfed big time. They disabled two aspects but there were re-enabled today. There’s probably a few more that I’m missing, but like I said, I still feel so strong so the nerfs were more than warranted I’d say.

  • Still wt1, playing through the story. Act 3 done, just need to clear up a few side quests, lvl 45ish bow rogue.

    I just pick the skills that seem to work best after unlocking each new tier and now I’m filling in some passives that seem to support what I’m doing.

    Haven’t unlocked lots of aspects nor could I afford to imbue them on new gear, I mostly don’t even bother with gems for now.

    I don’t know yet when it is going to stop with story and levelling and turn into a grind for gear acquisition, I’ll try it out but if it doesn’t really click for me I might just pick another class to level.

    I never really bothered with “botting” hundreds or thousands of Baal/Pindle/council runs in D2, so who knows.