As this community is just starting, I thought learning more about each other’s setups would be interesting.

I’ll go first:

  • DS916
  • 4x8TB Hard Drives: 3 WD Reds, 1 Seagate Ironwolf (oldest drive is 53,150 hours or just over 6 years)

I haven’t had to replace anything yet (knock on wood)!

    • DS920+
    • 3x 6TB IronWolf HDDs
    • 20GB RAM
    • 10 Docker containers

    Also have an older DS216j which I now use for certain non-critical backups as it lacks BTRFS.

    Can’t figure out why a normal image gets flipped when I upload it. Ah, well.

  • Running two here.

    • DS1019+ (2x Ironwolf Pro 12TB, 3x Ironwolf Pro 16TB, SSD cache, 16gb RAM)
    • DS1821+ (4x Ironwolf Pro 16TB, 1x WD 14TB, 1x Ironwolf Pro 12TB. SSD Cache, 32gb RAM, 10GbE.)

    I’ve got a Minecraft server on each, 25ish docker containers on the 1821, and 5 on the 1019+.

    The 1019+ now mostly just runs Plex and acts as a happy little hyperbackup vault for the 1821+, which has all my actual data on it.

    Local PC’s also back up to the 1019+ via Active Backup.

    I started with the 1019+ and 2x 12tb drives to replace my Windows Home Server (yeah, an HP media smart from 2007) that had 4 drives in it with 12 years powered on time each. (WD greens believe it or not!)

    Those little dudes went to Valhalla on the tip of a drill bit and EARNED it.

  • Synology’s

    • DS2419+ (105TB of usable space, 80tb in use, 12 drives, mix of 8tb to 14tb drives, 32gb ram)
    • DS1821+ (90TB of usable space, 60tb in use, 2 10tb, 4 16tb drives, 32gb ram)
    • DS620slim (4.5TB usable space, 2TB in use, 6 1TB SSD’s, 16gb ram)

    They all have been running 24/7 since I purchased them. In the last 4 years I’ve only had five drives go bad bad, but I’ve done quite a few replacements for upgrades. I had filled the 12 bay with a mix of 2TB and 4TB drives when I first got it in 2019. I have a container of 18 HDD’s of various sizes that I wish I had a use for.

    •  bubu   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Hooooly …, you are really determined and serious about disk space, huh? 🤣 That’s impressive! (And expensive, I guess.) I only have about 4 TB usable space (2x 4 TB in a SHR plus hot spare plus backup disks as a RAID-0), which is plenty for what I use it for at the moment.

      • Ha, yeah, I’ve been burned a few times by not having backups. Aside from backups, the majority is backups of my DVD / Blu-ray collection. When I was single in most of the 2000’s I was at best buy every Tuesday, buying the latest shows and movies to come out on disc 😂

  • My home NAS:

    • DS918+ built in March 2020
    • 12GB RAM
    • 4 X 4TB Seagate Ironwolfs (Ironwolves??) SHR1, currently ~50% capacity
    • APC UPS

    It’s overbuilt for what it does. I’m using Veeam and iDrive clients to back up PCs to it, and iDrive to back the NAS up to the cloud. Playing with some Docker containers like Plex, Speedtest-tracker, Dokuwiki, Lidarr/Radarr/Sonarr/SABnzbd, VaultWarden. I’ve briefly used it as DNS, DHCP, web, FTP server over the last few years. It’s a nice home lab environment to relearn all the IT stuff I used to do at work, but on a much smaller scale.

    The original drives are healthy at 28000 hours. End-of-life is at least a couple of years out (hopefully), but I’d probably look at something like a 423+ with 4-6GB RAM and 2-3 10TB drives as a replacement until the next shiny thing comes out. RAM isn’t as critical with Docker, so my current 12GB config is overkill.

    Thanks; looking forward to useful tips from the community.

  • My NAS at home is a DS1515 with 5x 8 TB WD Red disks. IIRC I use two drives for redundancy so I end up with 24 TB of usable space. However I currently use less than 5 TB I would say. :D

  •  bubu   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I’m running

    • a DS923+ (36 GB RAM, 2x 4 GB WD Red Plus (CMR)) in a SHR + IronWolf 4 TB (hot spare) as my main NAS and
    • a DS218+ (12 GB RAM, 1x Seagate Ironwolf 3 GB, 1x WD Red Plus 2 GB (CMR) in a RAID-0) as my backup machine (in a remote location).

    I have a 115j lying around which still works, but I have no use for it any longer (it was my backup machine before I bought the 923+). I might try to sell it, but I’m not sure someone would want it (although as a simple private cloud (i.e. just Synology Drive) it works okay, I guess).

    I run some services (Gitea, Planka, Portainer, airsonic, Penpot, Stirling PDF, Homebox, Benotes, speed tracker) and want to get either Plane or Leantime for project planning (as Jira replacement). I’m also still trying to get Wallabag to run and want to take a closer look at Omnivore and Joplin, as I’m still looking for a good read-it-later solution.

  • DS418play

    Got it for Plex two years ago, upgrading from 3-3tb drives to 3-8tb drives this weekend all Seagate iromwolf

    Maybe in a couple years I’ll upgrade to a better model now that I’m using docker for more and more projects

  • Thanks for starting! I’m another refugee from Reddit.

    I have two:

    • DS220+ – 2x8TB Seagate Ironwolf Pro – primary device, running a bunch of containers including Plex (of course) and some actually useful ones like Paperless-ngx.
    • DS214se – 2x4tb Western Digital Red (CMR) – backup target for the other one, i will be sending it to my dad to be my off-site. (I host his off-site at my home; the DS214se was a hand-me-down/gateway drug.)