The 7 Days to Die Alpha 21 Experimental version is out now. Woohoo time for more zombie murder!

To install it, in Steam:

Steam Library -> 7 Days to Die -> Right click Properties -> Betas -> choose latest_experimental - Unstable Build.

Note that as an unstable build there aren’t any mods available for it yet and stuff is very subject to change (though most likely won’t unless there are game breaking bugs).

It’s about a 10gb download and sorry consoles, still nothing new for you yet.

  •  Kaldo   ( ) 
    22 years ago

    Is it a good time for a newbie to jump into the game once the update gets officially released to stable? I remember trying it years ago, like in 2020, but wasn’t really a fan of the overall feel of the game, felt janky+grindy at every step (and this is coming from someone who enjoys project zomboid).

    •  honk   ( ) 
      12 years ago

      This is the changelog:


      Changelog b313


      Show Extras button added to Twitch Options


      Lowered Action stage unlocked for the following twitch commands
          #spoil unlock from 30 to 15. 
          #shuffle_boxes unlock from 50 to 15.
          #empty_boxes unlock from 50 to 20. 
          #drop_held unlock from 12 to 5. 
          #mind_wipe unlock from 60 to 40. 
          #destroy_base unlock from 50 to 30. 
          #fill_base unlock from 50 to 30. 
      Adjusted the infestation game stage mod and bonus values to be a bit more challenging based on feedback and code review
      Updated pricing for turret ammo to prevent exploits
      Player crafted doors, hatches, shutters, garage doors, and cellar doors are no longer sellable to the trader
      Daring Adventurer 3 and 4 are now unlocked at INT 7 and 10
      Adjusted trader stage templates for T2 and T3 tools and weapons
      Adjusted quality ranges of tools and weapons in trader inventories for more variety
      Prison_01 steel railings in guard towers replaced with corrugated


      Ability to copy / paste lights within the prefab editor and retain their light properties
      Putting a charged stun baton into vehicle storage causes a crash to desktop
      Updating player backpack Nav icons could hide previous icons that may now be in use elsewhere 
      Drone throws NRE when trying to heal the player