ReadyUser30 ( ) 6•2 years agoWe have a community for tabletop minis like this at
Would love for you to join us and crosspost this there!
I’ve got a pending subscribe on there. I posted though!
alehel ( ) 5•2 years agoRemember trying to get into Warhammer as a kid. Turned out I was absolute pants at painting and gave it up pretty quick 🤣
Everybody is a terrible painter. Tbh I’ve painted for ages and only consider myself a fundamental painter with a lot of patience. There’s paintjobs I look at and go “nah I’m not competing with that.”
mo_ztt ✅ ( ) 4•2 years agoHomemade character tokens:
Yeah I saw these on creative I think? These look like a super portable way to set up DND games.
mo_ztt ✅ ( ) 3•2 years agoYep, they are much easier than minis and to me they are more attractive / preferable to just using M&Ms or something. Plus, I made them! 😃
Yeah somebody made something similar for tokens in Marvel Crisis Protocol to represent different status effects. Much more aesthetic than colored poker chips or dice following the minis around like a pile of trash.
Tgnome ( ) 4•2 years agoI never managed to finish painting any warhammer stuff. Got into Malifaux for a bit since you have less minis but each one is more distinct. I have no idea where they ended up.
I do like having smaller forces with fewer minis. I mostly play using OnePageRules and the above picture is as many minis as I field at max. I like games this size or smaller down to skirmish or combat RPG. I’m not a fan of modern 40k games with hundreds and hundreds of fodder troops being shuffled around.
fearofthedark ( ) 3•2 years agoNice army, the turret on the printed razorback is super overkill!!
You may be interested to join both and, as I can see a few 2nd edition starter set marines and some old metal terminators,
At last an Oldhammer Lemmy!
fearofthedark ( ) 2•2 years agoCome and join us!! Post some pics of your lovely miniature, I’d certainly love to see them.
SevenSwell ( ) 3•2 years agoHey I’ve also got a bunch of red Space Marines
SevenSwell ( ) 2•2 years agoThis wouldn’t upload to the other comment but here we are
thirdorbital ( ) 3•2 years agoI have wayyy to much money in Warmachine minis - a hobby I loved that the WotC lawsuit starting killing and the pandemic more or less finished off.
I also have dabbled in creating my own stuff for board games such as Gloomhaven.
dominoko ( ) 3•2 years agoThe world looked gorgeous but the gameplay looked awkward and clunky. I don’t know if I’ll buy it but I love Avatar so maybe.
Oh goodness I don’t play modern Warhammer.
dominoko ( ) 3•2 years agoOh no, my comment ended up in the wrong thread!
Now your soul belongs to me.
A_Toasty_Strudel ( ) 3•2 years agoThese look amazing! Well done!